hell yeah it is everyone has to prepare for shit to happen like the world ending b/c people are so lazy and can't dispose of trash properly.
I smoke, but I NEVER throw my cigarette butts down.
I put the shit out and throw it away;
It's really not hard.
I am so sick of people killing my environment!!!
Every time I go somewhere, or even just go get my mail I see trash laying in my yard and all on the side of the road.
For real; If you can't throw your trash in a trash can where it belongs, you're ridiculousness is beyond me.
Like how the...
I totally agree with your posts sometimes you just can't get shit through people's heads;
Too many people are focused on money and power to care what this world comes to.
Blazin, you crack me up=]
You just calmly get aggravated, it's funny. no offense=]
&&Yes I agree; teaching older children is okay but I'm saying leaving a gun around a 3 yr old is different lol.
I know older kids get like hunting licenses and shit too.
I think it really just depends on age and...
Damn that shit's so crazy!!!
I seen brown recluse bites too they look horrifying.
They say getting bit by a brown recluse is just as painful as getting shot with a 10 gauge.
That shit would make me cry lol.
I wouldn't have a gun....
I mean, it would be good for protection, but I wouldn't have one b/c I think it's a little too extreme.
And plus, I have a nephew and a gun is not safe around children at all.
Hm that's strange... I've went through a lot of strains and never heard of it.
Maybe they just called it that back in the day or something.
Incubus means a pessimistic person or a bad situation.
So I'm not sure if that would be too good anyway lol.
&&Thanks, I'm not even sure what picture it is...
The stupidest advice I ever read was this one kid asking how to not get ripped off anymore.
He said he gives them the money first and they don't come back.
Or they do and they rip him off.
And he posted like 5 threads asking about it lol.
I have never heard of such a strain....
I like the band, Incubus;
but that's about it lol =]
I've heard people say that males bud is just as good as a females, they just don't produce as much.
I wouldn't know b/c I never fucked with any males....
Omg those are HUGE!!
&&fuck yeah Australia does have big spiders, they have Funnel Web Spiders,
I seen them on Kills In 30 Minutes Or Less
They like stand up on their back legs when they attack it's fucking crazy.
&&They are red.
Red means it's bad so I tend to stay away lol.
We have Black Widows here too... Not the ones with hourglasses but they are big and plain black.
We also have Pseudoscorpions.
This isn't a pic I took of one;
But I caught one very similar to it.
I found one that was kinda big and my at the time, "bf" wanted to keep it and trapped it in a jar...
Lol you do;
But it makes me smile=]
&&They were about as big as my hand....
Their bodies were as big as a quarter almost lol
They aren't poisonous to humans... But I have heard some kill birds so I still think it's temper must not be too great lol.
These spiders weave super strong webs...