Yeah my dad would buy an o or more at a time;
He's a retired construction worker and worked for the FBI for ten years.
He's loaded;
He doesn't give a fuck lol.
Actually we would lol.
Or we would chill and watch Family Guy after dinner and smoke lol.
My dad LOVES Family Guy I bought him a few seasons for father's day lol.
I always wanted to take a roadtrip to Michigan;
I do hear it's very pretty there=]
&&I also know the bud is greeeat there; I got some quite a few times:) lol
Fuck yeah it is me, my sister, dad and stepmom always toked down together all the time lol.
My mom like refused to smoke with me until I turned 18; even though we knew each other smoked b/c we caught each other... idk why lol.
Lol it sure was hahaha!
And yes, I did smoke then too.
I was like 13 lol.
Idk who she thought she was fooling but she knew damn well it wasn't me;
she was pissed lol.
Actually I caught her lol.
We were cooking out one day and she said she was going to get something out of the shed...
So I kept preparing everything and noticed she had been gone for a while so went to go see if she needed help.
And so, I walked into the shed and I clearly seen her put a joint...
Pshtt I'm stuck in Indiana now & it fuckin blows.
Back on the east coast my friends would always hook me up with fuckin crazy good and beautiful bud.
Always fat as fuck and got me rippedddd =D
Here everyone acts like the shit only comes around every once in a while.
&&that shit's crazy I'm not...
Lol yeah she showed me a lot of useful things=]
Gotta love older people's advise on growing, their the ones who can do it best;
Plus my mom loves gardening and landscaping so she's like, a fuckin pro at growing mj haha.
Wow I used to live on the east coast, I was actually born in DE.
I miss the hell out of it.
The bud there is so much better then it is here.
&&You actually use the same curing method as my mom and me lol.
& yes Blazin, I actually did lol.
Haha you would say something like that lol.
Wouldn't roaches be biodegradable??
I mean, it's a plant and paper so.... Idk if it would be bad or not lol.
I got some bud today and so I smoked a couple bowls... I left some of my bud sitting on a dvd case; then I had to leave for a bit. I came back and went to pack up the rest of it and it was so fuckin dry it like. Broke as I was trying to pack it down I was like "Wtf!! Is there like... A...
I am chill I'm not being shitty just an honest smartass lol.
I'm just saying people need to stop littering bc it's really ridiculous reasons as to why they do and it's not worth it.
Maybe you should actually read what I said; I never said "My ocean" to be exact, I said "THE ocean".
People like you truely disgust me b/c you're too lazy to dispose of materials properly and it's hurting the environment and it's getting so bad that maybe my children won't even have a...
Yes, they are lol.
All of mine make no sense... The saying "every tattoo has a story" is true =]
I have 3 party dots going up my index finger.
Oddly enough, I later on seen one of the guitarists in Atreyu have the same exact thing.
What a small world=]
&&The graffiti below me is badass!!!
I was...
I like this.
They should make everything biodegradable.
Especially cigarette butts.
It takes 10 years for one to disintegrate.
&&I believe that statement about mj is very likely;
B/c it's just so amazing and always surprises us lol.
I know right...
People get locked up for smoking weed but people who are destroying the planet don't get shit???!
Idk about you guys, but I think smoking some green is way less harmful then hoarding trash all around the neighborhood.