Damn that sucks that someone fucked your shit up lol. Sorry to hear that.
My roommate fucked up my mp3 player when he was at work.
I just found out about it today it really blowssss.
But he said he would buy me a new one and we live together so he def doesn't want to piss me off lol.
I've never understood why a lot of girls went all crazy over weed like it's meth or some shit... But yea I guess you're right;
A lot of girls do act a fool when they are pissed...
I would hide them and not tell anyone then lol.
Then stop replying if you don't know what I'm talking about; it's really not that hard.
Have fun with your myspace picture.... I guess....
Thanks for the amusement=]
That is quite a problem...
Honestly it would just be easier to tell her but when you think she might want to go in your room, before she comes over just carefully move your setup to a different room until she leaves and burn some inscents or candles to hide the smell.
Glade candles smell the...
I leave it where I want in the comfort of my own home.
Isn't it stupid how people have to get on the internet and act like a jerk??
I thought so too.
Thanks for your input that wasn't needed, sweetie:)
I think this is your best advice right here;
Girls don't like guys who hide things...
It can lead her to believe all kinds of things.
You should find out if she's cool with that kinda stuff too before you tell her, just to be on the safe side.
You'd reallyyyy be surprised lol.
My grandpa worked in the white house at one point;
He also owns his own money managing business.
He told me many things...
Mostly about alcoholics and weed lol.
He always had meetings at the world trade center and at the pentagon.
Then they got blown up.
&&yea he did fingerprinting and worked on computers.
It was pretty gnarly he took dead peoples fingerprints ewww it was just so gross lol.
Just goes to show how many people who work for the gov also get just as baked as we do lol.
I smoked with a mailman before too he told me he took cruises and...