I voted against 502 but i am having second thoughts now. I grow my own 15 plants and I have more than I need, so I share to fellow patients on CL. I am NO fan of dispenceries at all I see OZ's hitting 5 - $600.00 real soon.
What every patient NEEDS to know.
For months we have been on the line, waiting to see whether or not I-502 passes. Now that we know the outcome, here are some things that we want everyone to be aware of. There is a lot of misinformation going around about peoples (and more specifically...
House of Belladonas are thief'sDate: 2012-11-04, 6:36PM PST
Reply to this post Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]
Don't buy from these thiefs if you don't have to.Their mmj is not paid for.
I saw this thread in MMJ California and there was a huge responce to vendors getting ripped off. I have never sold to a dispensery for fear that they would low ball me or make me consign. This thread has been up for 2 weeks and not 1 complaint.
There is a dispencery on CL that will pay 10.00 a...
I have a little garden and from time to time I will use craigslist.org search "MMJ". I meet a lot of good and nice people here, but I have come across some ripoffs here is how you can avoid them.
1- if they sound like a gangster they probly are. Just wait for the next call and alwaws talk live...
I contacted Dan in Ca and asked if I could repost this in the Wa forum. He responded "what ever we can do to keep people safe" Dan I could not have said it better so I will not make any changes. Lets see where this goes. Thanks Dan you are the man!
This thread is for the expressed purpose of...