My name is Krystal, and I'm a MMJ patient. prescribed for asthma, but It helps stress, nausea, sleeping, and it makes me want to kill stupid people a lot less often.. lol I'm 23, and grow indoors.
I have both type of bulbs for the red and blue spectrum of light, my walls, ceiling, floors, etc are lined with silver diamond foil, 3 1000 watt ballasts, reflective hoods and cooling tubes for the lights, an air conditioner to keep the temp. right. I check the ph level of water, and dirt before and after watering. I use organic fox farm fertilizer with worm castings and bat guano in it, only water for one week in the bud stage. they grow in 10 gallon poly bags with all natural soil. I do add some perilite to the mix. I harvest when about 50% hairs have turned color. The outcome is okay... good sized buds. good taste, smooth, great high, and tons of hairs, crystals and it's sticky. not pretty enough though. My last plants had nice big buds on them but were root bound. could that have effected the color of the buds? they ended up being a darker green and not a lighter green. we had purple wreck, blueberry dutch passion, dutch passion, and lemon skunk. This time it will be purple wreck, train wreck, lemon skunk, blueberry dutch passion, idaho skunk((what it will be named when we're done doing what we're doing with it, after so many generations...)) white widow, super queen fruit spirit, and something else... oh, Himalayan gold...
My problem is I want it to look as pretty as the stuff you buy from the dispensary, while being all natural. I must be doing something wrong, or not doing something at all, or whatever it is, I want to know, so I can make it better. =) any help would be greatly appreciated. just trying to get the best quality. a lot of money for supplies and power bills goes into this, so I want it to kick ass! I want people to puke off the shit.. lol jk thanks for your time.
I have both type of bulbs for the red and blue spectrum of light, my walls, ceiling, floors, etc are lined with silver diamond foil, 3 1000 watt ballasts, reflective hoods and cooling tubes for the lights, an air conditioner to keep the temp. right. I check the ph level of water, and dirt before and after watering. I use organic fox farm fertilizer with worm castings and bat guano in it, only water for one week in the bud stage. they grow in 10 gallon poly bags with all natural soil. I do add some perilite to the mix. I harvest when about 50% hairs have turned color. The outcome is okay... good sized buds. good taste, smooth, great high, and tons of hairs, crystals and it's sticky. not pretty enough though. My last plants had nice big buds on them but were root bound. could that have effected the color of the buds? they ended up being a darker green and not a lighter green. we had purple wreck, blueberry dutch passion, dutch passion, and lemon skunk. This time it will be purple wreck, train wreck, lemon skunk, blueberry dutch passion, idaho skunk((what it will be named when we're done doing what we're doing with it, after so many generations...)) white widow, super queen fruit spirit, and something else... oh, Himalayan gold...
My problem is I want it to look as pretty as the stuff you buy from the dispensary, while being all natural. I must be doing something wrong, or not doing something at all, or whatever it is, I want to know, so I can make it better. =) any help would be greatly appreciated. just trying to get the best quality. a lot of money for supplies and power bills goes into this, so I want it to kick ass! I want people to puke off the shit.. lol jk thanks for your time.