Hi everyone, just me, here 
Almost a year ago, I moved from Snohomish to Skagit County (mostly because a place I could afford finally had an opening)
I had been growing for myself the last 3 years - I checked & checked local city & county info & thought I was ok, as long as I stayed very low key (odors & such - went with plain Jackberry F2 & Mad Scientist, mostly from Sannie's)
They were coming along just BEAUTIFULLY! (they were the picture of vibrant health! I only have one set of T5s an 8 bulb 4' set, which have worked well enough for me although I hoped to eventually get a couple more sets)
Too late I discovered by calling Olympia that anyone living in federally funded housing is not even permitted by the federal govt to possess, much less consume one's medicine - and forget "manufacturing"!!!
So here I was with these beautiful & killer stock plants & in a world of "oh noooooooooo!!!"
I didn't know a soul up here (I still really don't - I don't get out much, I guess is why, which kinda sucks, sure would like to have some older patient friends in my age group)
So, I called the only person I'd met so far up here - that was Nick from Skagit Valley Green Cross - and he did the great favor of growing out my plants for me, it not only saved my bacon (won't have enough for a whole year but at least a little over a half a year, now! Won't have to buy crap in a bag with broken trichomes etc because of this!)
Now, granted, there were some misunderstandings - I think when two people who don't know each other at all have interaction(s) & one is overly paranoid (thanks to a few well meaning friends & a family member) & the other is an incredibly busy! busy! busy! person, there are bound to be misunderstandings.....!
But I want you ALL! to know that Nick came through for me, & I would not hesitate to recommend him to you if you're up here in the Skagit Valley
He's really good people & my life is better for having met this fellow!
I know there are those who prey on patients but Nick from Skagit Valley Green Cross is DEFINITELY NOT ONE OF THEM!!!
I want to make this VERY! CLEAR!
I'm grateful as hell to him & couldn't have asked for a nicer friend or advocate & he did a wonderful job of growing out my plants for me!
It has helped a very-low income disabled older lady more than I can say - not to mention, it would've been a terrible waste of some of Sannie's great seed! (that would've really broken my heart!)
Just wanted to make sure everyone here knew how I feel about this!!!
Thank you all for reading, please pass the word if posssible!
Feel free to contact me anytime about this!
Most sincerely,
Annieji in Skagit Valley, WA

Almost a year ago, I moved from Snohomish to Skagit County (mostly because a place I could afford finally had an opening)
I had been growing for myself the last 3 years - I checked & checked local city & county info & thought I was ok, as long as I stayed very low key (odors & such - went with plain Jackberry F2 & Mad Scientist, mostly from Sannie's)
They were coming along just BEAUTIFULLY! (they were the picture of vibrant health! I only have one set of T5s an 8 bulb 4' set, which have worked well enough for me although I hoped to eventually get a couple more sets)
Too late I discovered by calling Olympia that anyone living in federally funded housing is not even permitted by the federal govt to possess, much less consume one's medicine - and forget "manufacturing"!!!
So here I was with these beautiful & killer stock plants & in a world of "oh noooooooooo!!!"
I didn't know a soul up here (I still really don't - I don't get out much, I guess is why, which kinda sucks, sure would like to have some older patient friends in my age group)
So, I called the only person I'd met so far up here - that was Nick from Skagit Valley Green Cross - and he did the great favor of growing out my plants for me, it not only saved my bacon (won't have enough for a whole year but at least a little over a half a year, now! Won't have to buy crap in a bag with broken trichomes etc because of this!)
Now, granted, there were some misunderstandings - I think when two people who don't know each other at all have interaction(s) & one is overly paranoid (thanks to a few well meaning friends & a family member) & the other is an incredibly busy! busy! busy! person, there are bound to be misunderstandings.....!
But I want you ALL! to know that Nick came through for me, & I would not hesitate to recommend him to you if you're up here in the Skagit Valley

He's really good people & my life is better for having met this fellow!
I know there are those who prey on patients but Nick from Skagit Valley Green Cross is DEFINITELY NOT ONE OF THEM!!!
I want to make this VERY! CLEAR!
I'm grateful as hell to him & couldn't have asked for a nicer friend or advocate & he did a wonderful job of growing out my plants for me!
It has helped a very-low income disabled older lady more than I can say - not to mention, it would've been a terrible waste of some of Sannie's great seed! (that would've really broken my heart!)
Just wanted to make sure everyone here knew how I feel about this!!!
Thank you all for reading, please pass the word if posssible!
Feel free to contact me anytime about this!
Most sincerely,
Annieji in Skagit Valley, WA