I watched in Plane sight. That was put together by the guy who used to do the Power Hour. He was on the news that day and told everyone to start recording with their VCR's (we used to have those) There is all footage of news clips on that video and there are fire fighters (the same ones everyone...
In case you do not head over to the Politics side of this forum. Consider going to MPP.org or Norml there is a canned letter over there you can send. I got it yesterday and sent it right away. At lease if you are going to Grouse he can at least hear it.
Wolf blitzer is a failure. Even his headline pulls a sarcasm statement out and puts the title on it that states "Developing Story" This is Robot Chicken Journalism. Here is another video from real journalists in case you missed it...Ron Paul 2012 Guest speaker for press.org
Ron Paul 2012 Guest speaker for press.org
Here is how you hold a press conference. Not 20 second rebuttals of sensationalism....
I wrote Obamma...Did you?
Go to MPP.org maybe even Norml and I am sure it is canned and ready for you too... I added this after the canned part about him reneging on his word (for what it is worth?)
Here is the part I tuned up.
Truly the sad part of this whole thing is the way a wonderful...
Five Lies of the Religious Right About Ron Paul
by Laurence M. Vance
Although I am a theological and cultural Christian conservative, I am not a member of the Religious Right and never have been. Adherents of the Religious Right are oftentimes more wrong than they are right. And...
Obama Repeals the 5th Amendment
by Bob Bauman
The Sovereign Investor
Recently by Bob Bauman: Ten Years Later… We’re Still Paying the Price
Rarely in my long life’s experience have two news items been published on the same day that demonstrated such palpable irony...
On Point , makes sure you check the box to vote by mail, when registering or re-registering. It will make sure you vote for one and second it will make it to the counters.
I do not think it is a "Party" that is going to make a difference. I think it is the person, so you need to know how someone stands on an issue you are passionate about. No matter Dem Or Repub or Indy --Here are some Proponents for MJ and the bulk of them are Repub to shore up my comment...
Well as they take IP6 out of your food like grain, cereal and such. They do not want you to have anything that will fight cancers. Pretty soon Tomatoes will be called poison again. I think, you folks are in for a long hard ride if you are not nearing extinction. Do not think they were not...
This is already on the Senate floor, D.Rohebacher and B.Frank authored this bill. It needs to pass for a vote now.
That is where you as a US Citizen need to do their painful part of Googleing their rep and asking them to vote Yes. Or you can shoot...
I bet none of you bothered to even sign the petition on the home page in regards to this issue. Too stoned and paranoid to send the Whitehouse an email.
I bet most of you are not even registered to vote... especially the ones with all the passive aggressive comments to peoples posts--Afraid of...
Watching these videos reassures my belief that anyone with a Badge is above the law. I have known this since I was 8 yrs old.
CHASE bank donated almost 4 million to the Policeman's fund B.T.W--- Is that them buying insurance?
Well as this unfolds, it sure makes one think how unsafe another...
September 30, 2011 was the day America was assassinated.
Some of us have watched this day approach and have warned of its coming, only to be greeted with boos and hisses from "patriots" who have come to regard the US Constitution as a device that coddles criminals and terrorists and gets in...
Seems a bit over board, but I am sure it would be beneficial. I have juiced for 10 days straight for detox and giving my cells a vacation. But only juices as desired for hunger.
I did watch a documentary that backs up your Vegan regime called Forks over Knives on Netflix
It shows proof those...
When combining tomatoes with Cilantro and Onion it becomes a "super anti oxidant" too. If you let an Onion stand for at least 20 minutes after it is cut it will have more beneficials to you then if you just cut and cook or eat.
Do not go from the pan to the fire. DO NOT BUY MADE IN CHINA the parts contain lead. Get a Vapor Bros. 175.00 It will last for a very long time. They will warranty and repair for you if you ever need it. Very cheap if you consider the cost of a life. I mean you cannot order new lungs on the net...