Those people in the auditorium show how the public will not stand up for their rights....They should be ashamed of themselves. For one, the speaker to keep speaking as though nothing is going on and those sitting next to the cops doing nothing. It will happen to them someday. Like when you are...
I usually turn the lights off and on...Not low to high. Same if I see someone in the city driving in well lit areas to make them aware that they would be better visible if they were to turn their lights on.
In LA Cali though can get you killed by would be Gang bangers thinking you are...
In my opinion from watching a Myriad of Videos and studying Ayurveda I want to say it is not the THC, as much as it is a culmination of CBD's and how they open (if you will) receptors that enable the body to heal itself.
If you do have Cancer or a Virus you are battling. I must stress that a...
Now it would have been better if that off duty Pig would have pulled his gun and accidentally discharged it into his leg hitting a major artery and we then get to watch himself bleed to death.
Well there could be something to that 1022. In reference the fact that the middle east kicked the Jews out for what I understand to be elitists. So off to Germany they went and it was fine until Germany realized they were again being elitists. Doing business amongst themselves and only with...
ORRRRR he could have strong ties to the community and a lenient judge and a good attorney? Bond is for those who look like they might "get in the wind".
As a man who used to deny or approve credit in the Millions. We have a saying: " That's the Fucking you get for the Fucking you have done!"
As the interest rate would be offered at the highest legal rate available. If you have micky mouse credit lines bad like Gym memberships and Video store...
If it is to good to be true it probably is not true.
If I had a site that generated 500 a month why would I sell it for 500? Do you know anything about Google adwords? If so then you know your work is cut for you and if not then have a nice long read.
Websites are cheap, a name is always nice...
It is good for your Kidneys and Heart too. I teaspoon a day or in the evening with a cup of tea or coffee. Great source of Potassium. Most Americans are deficient in Potassium amongst a lot of other things.
Doc out!
Good job remembering... It was the pretense of the post so I as commenting on it? So one can understand to what I am referring too. Are you stoned? LOL
I feel the same way. I believe in Ayurveda, I went through Chemo with Western Medicine an realized about 6 months after they almost killed me that these guys were just giving me what a pharmaceutical company put on the market with erroneous results. I mean we can all do tests till the answer we...
Interesting experiment, I liked the evidence of what can be done and what cannot be done. Instead of hearsay. I must admit I wondered how 4 peasants who flunked out of Cessna school along with no bodies or remains, nor any wing...
Well I hope this guy wins as I think the Govt is full of itself and I feel like a child in a classroom as I try and live my life. And really, if it were legal; what would change?
I would still smoke and so would you. It is not like all of a sudden there is going to be a Pot hysteria. Look at...
Oh man if you only knew the Beating that really is coming. When the Euro gos Kaput you will feel the wrath of the "rich mans market" like a cold table with your last 100 bucks! Here is a little link to some very powerful individuals who have some not so bright outlook on the Euro...