It was my Congressmen who penned it or one just like it to reschedule it at least and from what I am understanding all these Congressmen want to be re-elected and or hang on to their cushy jobs. So if you as a Voter, along with a few thousand or more voters hit them with an email they can...
All part of the master plan....If there is one. I know this that with video cameras and flip phones the Police and the likes of will be having to answer to the public as most are law breaking thugs. I wrote my Governor and attorney general as they preview the case of a Fullerton Ca man beat to...
Take Action Tell Your Representatives to Co-Sponsor HR 2306: The Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011
Ron Paul would like to remove our troops from the Middle east. Close a lot of bases that are antiquated and not necessary as our Military is a swifter one. That money there would be spent on infrastructure and the ones working on the infrastructure would spend their earnings at home instead of...
Not to mention when someone considers Real Estate out that way. Statistics reflect a crime when there was no real crime other then taking in some nature.
I would think those set up would understand that the losses would be gone adding to bottom line along with other expenses of being stealth not to mention the trimmings would be sold off for textiles, paper clothes, oil etc....I can make beer on my own but there are still 2 aisles of it in every...
The real deal in my opinion is... It is a DEA cash cow. Most people who consume cannabis are law abiding citizens and have money to bilk like the difference to give a citizen a j walking ticket who is shopping but let a homeless guy walk in the middle of the street cleaning car windows.
Well either they ready or not? Why should he even bother waiting 3-5 days? Ignore this and go get your Microscope to check tris... did you want to pull them early and waste you time and efforts? You want to hear they are ready or you want to know how to check them like a pro does? 12 bucks and...
Spoken like a true Gambler, Never down. Good luck as it is an integral part of your company. I have some experience on the matter, hence me knowing Vegas has hookers when you are up and trading is gambling. Sensitive because you reached for a semi-quasi insult about me writing of what you...
I am coming off a 12 year run from Res Real Estate and Mortgage, then moved into Portfolio Banking as the bottom fell out. Got a divorce and sold of my homes and did not have the strength to go back at it, in Socal anyways. Socal is so competitive and un loyal it would make a priest puke. I...
You are kind of sensitive for a trader LOL What is the difference? Isn't it a gamble of the odds? And unless you live in Rhode Is or Parump you gotta shop for a pretty hooker! Unless you of course can control the market there Dr. Evil....
I saw an article on yahoo for what is worth... Delivering Semi tractors to the dealer is the shiznit my friend--check it and remember you saw it here first!
Lacking some good Flowering light. Looks like they are hanging on... Go to radio shack and get a 12. micropscope and search on here for ripe tri's To me you got a couple of weeks and maybe forever if you are under lit?
You should be posting this in the Noob section as this is an old topic. However since you are here and so am I. A seed has its nutrients in it's shell for the first couple of weeks. Natures design. When you put a tender baby sprout in Hot soil or full of nutes it will do as a newborn would do on...
Nice find, like a fortune teller.
Too bad some of the voters follow a party instead of the man. Like rooting for a team that loses over and over and has lost all it's good players and coaching staff and still root for them just because they or their dad had or has a jersey.. We understand that...
He is not for legalizing drugs as much as he is for the Feds stepping out of a Futile war and letting states decide on what they want to do. So in Oklahoma they hate drugs and that is that.... Move out of that state to another who has a different viewpoint. This needs to be understood by the...
I have found for me Flushing tastes better as I vape. I found that flushing needs to be done no longer then 7 maybe 10 days as you wash out the metals and she is susceptible to bugs and virus. I also use a Hudson sprayer and wash my girls down 3 days before chop, gives here time to dry out and...