Home owner
Positive earning to saving ratio, no debt
almost no one in china's cities own their own home
Therefore, Zhou gives his three standards.
Firstly, they should have a monthly income at least 5000 yuan. Secondly, they should work as the owner, manager or technician in companies or public institutions. Thirdly, they have received university education. The middle class is a group of common people and they are a large group between the rich and the poor.
According to Pei Zhenhua, the term middle class also refers to a distinct state of mind. Their knowledge and economic status make their value and their attitude towards life more recognized by the society.
5,000.00 CNY=784.252 USD
Poverty in People's Republic of China refers to people whose income is less than the $1.25 per day poverty line (PPP) set by the World Bank. Poverty has affected all aspects of China, including the environment, health, education, housing, nutrition, and agriculture. It has disrupted families and communities, and sent millions from the poorer regions to the cities in a desperate search for work.
Since the start of far-reaching
economic reforms in the late 1970s, growth has fueled a remarkable increase in
per capita income and a decline in the poverty rate from 85% in 1981 to 16% in 2005 (poverty being defined as the number of people living on < $1.25/day).
[1] At the same time, however, new disparities have increased.
Income inequality has risen, propelled by the rural-urban income gap and by the growing disparity between highly educated urban professionals and the urban working class. There have also been increases in the inequality of
health and
education outcomes. Exact statistics are disputed, as there have been reports of China's underestimating the poverty rate.