Here is the thread...
Perhaps they could get together in the basement and split the atom after school tomorrow...
I do the 36 hour dark at the flip... for example if the lights go off wed night I turn em bback on friday morning... I usually have signs of flower development d days after the lights come back on...
Yes it is the form just under the Hells Angels Application ,,,, as God Smacked as I am right now,,, I cant friggin beleive it... he must be related to the guy with the Fruit Loops thread,,,, just search it...
I have some great wake and bake weed and for Green Love only we make big special deal..... then he can come back and get some stoner weed.... he sure slams some great strains....
White russian is a short to medium height, decent yeild that has a great indica whack,,,, it is my favourite go to sleep strain,, and I have grown out several strains including chronic, Northern Lights , Trainwreck,,,,
Between Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot... there are alot less people in the world....
For those who want it up close and personal... The Rwandan Genocide is pretty ugly....
If we forget these people lost to these attrocities some future generation will watch it happen again... God helps us...
Check out the docs associated with one of the compassion clubs.... MY Doc is so enlightened.... I thanked him the other day.... he on the other hand is pleased with my progress and loves the fact that I never want Narcs,,,, God Bless him:peace::heart: :leaf: Peace Love Happiness
For those who may be unaware of this great publication.... check it out.... Google Treating Yourself.... All the complete backissues are available as a down load,,, and the issues are complete,,, no bogus half issue gotta subscribe BS... you owe it to yourself to have a look:leaf::lol:
Hid throws off a lot of heat... the farther away you can get the heat signature the better.... Use a hood... vent the hood... are the grow tents gonna solve the problem,,, nope... czuse the heat that is created must go somewhere .... figure that out and you are on your way...
I use Sucanat the last few weeks to help with added sugars, to help feed the microbeasties and to pick up some of the flavour..... one grow awhile back I went nuts with molasses in the final 3 weeks... you could taste it in the smoke....
Sucanat is sure alot cheaper than expensive...
Well I popped a couple of Repti glo 10.0 26 watts into the room to see if there are any changes.... have some plants with max exposure and some probably only slight if any... will have an idea of outcome in about 3 weeks....
But in thinking this thru,,, I am trying to replicate Mother nature...
I have found as a medical user that since I am a daily user that sometimes a change of strain is required... sometimes just a 3 day hiatus on a different strain is a good thing... I also use different strains at different points in my day.... Citrus orange sativaindica hybrid during the day...
Try the Teating Yourself Medical Expo in Toronto Jun3 3-5 2011.... the write up on the 2010 festival is in the issue with the MEkong High on the cover... BTW all of the back issues of this wonderful publication are online available as a PDF download... these are the full versions, ads and all...
The countless un-informed will continue to spread the misinformation regarding our plants and medicines.... why? Ignorance and buying into the agenda of Big Pharma and the governemetal disinformation campaigns....:fire:
Look for something that has a diffuser stem, the ability to add an ashcatcher and easy to clean.... then it becomes a matter of personal preference....