Air pruning is what happens when roots grow out bottom of dirt pots.. they will eventually die outside the bucket... Butif you got lots of roots inside, do not stress.... look for a good mychocorrizial fungi booster,,, this will doi wonders to your dirt grows.... think wrom poop tea....
I am going to make some tea up for my next grow.... I use House and Garden Root excellurator... great product but very expensive.... If I can brew my own teas way cheaper and keep my myco fungi's happy then I am gonna be real happy.... I grow in a dirt/coco/guano and castings mix.... the girls...
Get some Neem oil, follow the directions... it will leave the plants with a kinda waxy look... hit em again 3 days later and if still signs 3 days after that.... then after harvest blast teh shit out of everything with the solution of neem oil... I have saved one of my grows and a buddys with...
I happen to own one at Niagara Falls that I was considering selling also... since it is international in nature it must be worth way more than Bricktops... but we could probably come to an arrangement on a package deal....
Rather than pay out the arse for high priced carbo loads and sweeteners, I use Sucanat which is granualized Sugar Cane Juice... reconstitute it and use similare to other carbo load products.... a few grows ago I went nuts with the molasses at the finish and you could taste it in the smoke...
WTF? I really don't understand the above post.... you think you guys have it better than Canada when it comes to Medical mj.... you have got to be joking,... at least Canada has medical mj done at the federal level and that means that I can travel anywhere in Canada with my meds... try that in...
To the thread originator... I am a medical patient and suffer from RA... my best to your missus... this disease sucks large... but then again most do... but I digress.... I get some serious symptomatic relief from White Russian... it really allows me to move when to do so otherwise is...
Fuck BC Hydro.... that is a violation of your rights.... if you are paying your bills.... tell them to pound sand.... I guess they would be entitled to make sure your panel is up to code for the amount of power you are using.... so it sounds like a flipper switch with 2 grows side by side might...