I think there may be some truth to the idea that tolerance is built to a strain more than marijuana itself. For months I was vaping .2gs in one sitting each night with my Iolite portable vaporizer. I took a month long break and my first try with it afterwords (same exact stuff from the same plant) it didn't feel any stronger than I remember it. This led me to believe that either my tolerance is very strain dependent, or that my brain recovers from the tolerance of at least .2g in a 24 hour break period (and that taking any tolerance break was a waste).
It was completely different for me. I have to say, at times when I smoke a lot, I smoke way more than people i smoke with. When smoking, I mean "a lot" of smoking. Sometimes it's like 10 times, or twenty. Rarely(this has happened 2 or 3 times with experienced smokers-i'll tell this-) they sleep, and I wake them up in the morning still smoking. Here, I didn't mean what you may think of. I just want to tell something. Smoking much is
not an advantage. The advantage is smoking less. As I stated before, If you smoke less you get higher. After I figured this I mostly smoked less. But sometimes you get carried away and don't notice it.
I'm sure of body tolerance vs. strain tolerance. I wish I had the chance to test this in a laboratory and have scientific results. There is also a strain tolerance as you said. But this is far less than body tolerance. And I've heard 24(48 and so on

) hours is enough to set the tolerance. But I can only say it works vice versa on me. The body tolerance can be also called mind tolerance because it's mostly psychological, but it's the plant which gives that psychological effect. For example. I and my friend were on vacation and we had 1 week ahead of us before we return and we had only about 5 grams of weed. And that weed was a weed put in a car engine for safety on transportation(!). Dealer said it's a little brown because of engine heat(!). It was shit man. Really shit. Did nothing without alcohol. But after four days, we only had one joint left. And we didn't even get stoned with that stuff before(We were smoking at a mid-high stage at that time.) We saved the last joint for the time that it'll be needed most. That time was the 6th day and we got stoned for only smoking a joint. That day i realised that what weed does to people is psychological. I've seen people acting like they overdosed on something seeing hallucinations, puking etc just after 2-3 puffs. I think the head is psychological. What you feel is psychological. So everything is...
I remember after quitting 4 days and smoking a joint, and feeling nothing. If it was about strains, it was different and good as my friend said but i felt nothing(a breakdown period is needed if you smoke "a lot"). But after two months I've smoked a joint with the same friend and got really stoned and before that he said it's not that good. This is a question that really needs the support of science. I have much to tell. But this is a hard subject. It's damn hard to tell what i think in English, I wish I could have told these in my mother-tongue language. And hope you understand what I told.
I can say things about John Berfelo said because of the people I've seen but it may cause people to think negatively of marijuana If you know what I mean.