I have found that some heavier bamboo shish kabob skewrs make great little LST devices... After FIM ming the ladies after those next shoots get about 2 inches I start the process... I keep em down low till they get near the edges of the 7 gallon buckets and then switch to bamboo stakes and tie...
I do not want to get into a pissing match about "organics". It is true that the plant can;t tell the difference between a synthetic and an organic molecule... that is a fact jack. But mother earth, the micro life and a whole bunch of other things can,,,, part of growing this sacred plant well is...
You get much bigger bushy plants and a canopy height that is more even in the long run.... my 7 gallon pots have stalks sticking out everywhere....
And God saw that it was good,,,, ( I personally think great)....
Here is a shot of one of my ladies a few days ago.... that is a 7 gallon pot... you can see the little bamboo skewers in the container beside the pot.... I use these in a teepee on the first four shoots after topping... when they get bigger we get serious with the zip ties and the bamboo....
Here is the listing of the other articles....
some great reading...
Additional Information – CMG GardenNotes on Soils, Fertilizers and Soil Amendments:
#211 Introduction to Soils #231 Plant Nutrition
#212 The Living Soil #232 Understanding Fertilizers
#213 Managing Soil Tilth #233...
Folks found this last night...
it is amazing reading.... will post the rest of the table with the other pdfs in a moment.,....
Enjoy and share the love....
Here come the first photos of the ladies taken a few days ago.... they are being flipped tonight....
The pot in the picture is a 7 gallon...
They strain is Trainwreck... Neptunes Harvest fish ferts & seaweed, worm castings, bat guano, humic acid and myco herd spores......
When we get to warm weather I am going to be installing 2 collectors for rain water.... might as well use what the heavens give you... I plan on running 2 and I have a small submersible pump so I can pump water into the resevoir in the grow room....
I will start posting picks next week...
I currently run 4 600 watt digital HPS and a 200 w cfl and am looking to add some supplemental... the LED's have a major thing going for them.... no to low heat.... Like I need some more heat in my room already....
And I do not sell anything related to this industry... no lights, no gear, no...
As I get older, like good smoke I get mellower.... but still can pack a punch....
But today my wish for all who stop by is Peace Love and Happiness... If you got them cherish them...
Stoned pony... thanks for your service....
Not quite that old, but old enough to remember the release of the Song remains the same.... Peace Love Happiness
My organic ladies were topped and just past seedlings I started LST.... yesterday I restaked the girls and now have pots of Trainwrecks with what looks like 4 nice plants in each.... 7 gallon pots, all organic nutes and "Poo Brew"... will post photos when there is something to watch besides nice...