If you want some really good reading google the relationship between myco's, rhizobium and glomulin. the short version.... the mycos have a symbiotic relationship with the roots... the rhizobium help fix bi0-available nitrogen to the roots... when you add humic acid to the soil the electron...
Bummer you got your glass ripped.... Congrats you got a new collection going..... I just added a carbon filter to my set up which is a extreme quad tree diffuser with a diffuser stem and ash catcher..... hits like a freighttrain.... Peace lOve Happiness
Roll the bright white paper into a long skinny cone and put about 2 inches down in bottle neck... it will uncurl but remain a cone.... flies are drawn to wine but cannot figure out how to get out... they will die a fairly quick death... in a day or two...
I own some fdd2blk glass.... nice bubbler, spoon and "Jabba the Hut bowl"... one day will own nice poker, carbon filter bowl, to go with my glass on glas bongs and one hitter....
Anyone wondering? they should spread the love....
This may sound elementary... but big roots lead to big fruits and big ass yeilds come from big ass plants.... so... try vegging them to be monsters, Fim, Lst and big buckets.... 7 gallon or 15 gallon..... lots of tlc and misting and foliar along with regular feed schedule.... this would be a...
The protected enjoy a freedom paid for with a price they will never understand....
Those who stand up up for what is required should never be trashed... they are doing what is requirted so that we can live in Peace.... I am an aggressive Pacifist and will fight to keep the Peace.... Peace Love...
Yes,,, I love all things nature as long as they are not near my gardens.... I grow indoors ( License requirement) and my veggies are on the deck in containers... if not the bunnies and the bambi's win everytime..... cant have everything( wishing for new greenhouse)....
Guys & gals... much thanks for stopping by... Imagine (yes a lennon tribute) if we could each get a few more to join us each day in the Roll it up " Pass the Peace" karma? Lets keep this thread moving in a positive direction.... may your garden be lush and green... may your water be cool and...
The Missus got me a new quad tree diffuser with diffuser stem and an ash catcher... it is the friggin bomb..... Call her the Freight-Train.... Smoking Trainwreck out of her makes all the pain go away..... and you feel like you been hit by a freight train....
Well folks time is really flying... I have to go to see my doc soon to get my renewal paperwork done.... last year did it late may for Aug renewal and no bananas... didn;t get new card till early september.,... doing renewal early April this year.... not going thru the stress of having an out of...
All of the above is so true... and we all get to make choices... now I prefer to base more of mine on the future needs of our planet... I cannot change the world... but I can strive to change a small part that is around me... Peace Love Happiness
Ed Rosenthal of Ask ed fame suggest 60 to80 watts per spuare foot.,. so you have 70 square feet so between 4200 and 5600 watts.... so ramp them up and givem all the power you got or can afford.... expanding your grow 600 watts at a time is a solution...
Yup you can get a hundred skewers and a hundred tiny zip ties for a couple of bucks, 2 zip ties 2 skewers, a minute and you got an lst teepee.... and they are reuseable,,,,