7 grams may mean a potent batch of powder, or it may mean a final product with some extra contamination. The 100mg / 1 gram seems to be too hopeful for a final yield ratio. But looks like you'll have fun either way man.
It was a steak. Acid degrades at room temperature and any ambient light. Something about this story just rings false. Somebody would have to dose a pretty heavy amount of liquid to trip out a whole a family after some extremely serious degradation from the light and heat. And liquid ain't...
If an asteroid or aliens are threatening the planet, do you think he could throw Ayer's Rock and defeat the fleet / asteroid and save the day all while Aersomith plays in the background?
They can still extrapolate what is the largest factor in cause of death. Though I may be wrong in obesity being the largest killer; it's just the highest proportion of healthcare related costs. Personally I can't wait till fat people start paying their way for healthcare. Smokers are punished...
ytkind, I think what you're trying to get at is Risk Assessment. Something all humans are notoriously bad at. Gun violence is nowhere near the leading cause of death, and I don't think anyone is arguing that. But stuffing your face into a slow, obesity-related death isn't as scary as being shot...
Source for that graph? Because besides the grammatical errors, the last 2 columns are outright lies. 17k total homicides, of those 11k are firearm related. Not 28k total homicides. The lack of a cited date makes it even more dubious. Not to mention heart disease surpassed smoking related deaths...
So money spent on political connections can't affect scientific research funded by said money?
The NSF isn't the Federal Govt. And you didn't address the fact that the feds receive billions in gasoline taxes. What do they have to gain by diminishing those funds?
And finally, you used the word...
And if all humanity was dumb enough to shack up in only 2 vaguely different political camps, we deserve to be gone. But wait, life isn't black and white!
And yet you conveniently left out all the millions of dollars funneled to the federal govt by said energy companies in the form of PACS.
Who has a bigger stake in this game? The NSF or ExxonMobil?
And do you think a website withe the tagline "The No. 1 Source for Energy and Oil News" that...
So the UN has more money to spend on a pro-AGW agenda then all the energy companies together have to spend on an an anti-AGW agenda? How does this even make sense in your mind?
Yeah carbon-tax credits are clearly a money making scheme and dubious at best in their efficacy. But is raising...
Is Canada really better? GTA housing prices say different. 99 year mortgages for realz?
As far as the people go though? No question. Being hammered in a Canadian city is completely different and better than being fucked up in American city. They give you actual directions in Canada without...
Dude that sucks DMTER. Did the whole place get jacked or mainly your stash? If it's the latter, I'd start looking at an inside job.
Time to invest in some heavy duty ass locks. And/or a gun or other weapons depending on your wants.
Do people really think an inch and a half distance really makes that much of a difference? Some are into butt play, some aren't; it isn't "dirty" though. Unless you want to contend the myriad microorganisms that live on or in your genitals are somehow "cleaner" than the myriad microorganisms...
People like him beg a pretty big question though.
What did they do before the Internet? Are these just the voices of what years past we would call "shut-ins"? Did they rave at passerbys on the sidewalk like street preachers? Did they collect hundreds of hours of VCR tapes of them talking to...
This is America. Not to many revolutions have been led from behind a Rascal scooter historically speaking, so I'm not too worried about our odds of armed revolt. Seriously at this rate Americans will be too fat to do anything besides complain anonymously online in another decade.