Sounds awesome OD, but I gotta wonder just how "German" it all is, with the Kielbasa and all. But then the border between Poland and Germany and Slav and Teuton is only a few millennia old and highly porous. The German sausage Haus in my city does the best kielbasa around in a town known for...
So besides being drug geeks a lot of us are history geeks too? No wonder I like HS so much lol.
Personally I've been on a WW1 kick for the past few years. I've read maybe ~40 books on the subject so far, and I still find it utterly fascinating. All of the horrors of Early Modern line infantry...
I thought a large part of it too was that Wellington had lots of his troops lying defilade on the backside of a hill so most of the cannon shot of the time was ineffective.
I was always amazed and just how fucking drunk the average trooper was in battle back then. Pretty much gotta to stand in...
Were you ever worried about visiting an area, then went there and found out it was awesome? For me its been Texas. As a native NY'er I was unsure if I would like it, especially after time spent in AR and OK. Then I spent a month in Texas for work last year, and just got back from another week...
True story. My ass looks pretty much exactly like that pic ODanksta posted, just lighter in color. A friend of mine's last words to me before he crashed his bike and died later that night were "Dude, you could braid your ass hair!"
And waxing it is fucking horrible vro. I recommend having a...
Is it really all that different from 1000 years ago and peasants would remark at how nice the lord's new boots looked when they kicked them in the face?
Stick to using the internet for porno and information and you'll never be let down with society. Or informational porno. I'm sure it exists...
I'd def echo the sentiment of cooling down the tripping with her for a bit, but I also don't think it's all that serious.
I ate some WoW the other weekend (thank you my friend that shit was amazing) with a buddy I've known since 4th grade and he got real weird. He basically tried to proposition...
Is it really any worse than comparing cannabis users to terrorism supporters? Or some of the retarded "420" culture t-shirts and memes?
I enjoy women in plaid schoolgirl skirts. Am I predator for that? I know I'm not the only one that likes it.
The worst thing about this company is the...
I think the K hole only gets a bad rap from people who weren't expecting it. Had a few grams once, hanging with my GF and roommate at the time, doing bumps, her first time. I walk to the store to grab some beers, telling them both "Don't do any till I get back, you don't know what you're...
2 weeks to Magnaball! I'm getting so pumped for all of it, especially sat night. And the fact it's only a 3 hour drive from my house. Gonna be on the moon I tell ya, the moon!
It does kinda sounda like a Latin word for "giant sleeping hall" or something. "Lucius Aurielus was found dancing nude in the dormecium while high on inoxicants."
I would add to avoid using rolled up bills if possible. Can lead to sinus infections as those bills are dirty as hell. Cut up a straw or make a glass blow tool like I did.
Good times I've had with this old girl. She rarely comes out to pasture much any more, coke in my area is just garbage...
I've finally got to watch them while on LSD! Sat out on a local hill and watched them go off at relative height to my own, and holy fuck was it cool!
Happy America Day RIU friends!
Watching it now, its just not as good as the first season. But then again McConaughey made that show. I'm not even gay, but I would go down on Matthew McConaughey. Out of respect.