I know who that porn star is from the Froot Loop butt. Proxy Paige. I dunno if I should feel ashamed or not now. But yeah, super loose butthole on that chick.
Dumb people are great. They can make a mediocre time awesome. Smart girl sees me naked and says" Meh. Proust was gay and asthmatic but still looked better than you." Dumb girl sees me naked and says "Meh. At this point I don't care I just want to get laid."
So I just harvested...
I have all the comics, and they are really good. Different from the show in some ways, and they parallel some things from the comic in the show thats pretty cool, but i'd say the comics are better. Less talking drama bullshit.
The best zombie comic out there is "Crossed" though. Fucking brutal...
Rory I think you could get double selling that ridiculous purple to dumb people. Tell em its genetically altered to be super dank by InGen or something.
Mephedrone when it first came out on the scene was great for me. You could do a bump, not need another for 30-45 mins, and not really fiend at the end. Pretty easy come down too. And back then in like 2008 it was 6-9 a gram. Such a deal.
Fucking retards ruined that shit now though. I think...
I can get a script for pretty much any benzo I want with my history, but I never have. Really not a fan myself, I can't seem to figure out why they're so popular. It's like you don't feel them at all till you eat too much and wake up days later. Its like worse version of alcohol, without the...
So I chopped said C99. And as we speak my living room is quite stanky. Enough to make my cat walk into the room, head butt the couch, and turn back. He hasn't yet been around me when I smoked it yet though. Only had him 2 weeks yet.
Working on this girl now. Got the Essential Mix from Nero...
Has anyone ever noticed a plant lose it's smell right before the chop? My C99 is coming down this weekend some time but I've noticed that it seems to have lost a lot of its sweet, sweet fruity overtones.
I dunno it'll probably come back in the cure hopefully, I've just never had a plant get...
Wow. Thread speaks for itself kinda.
I didn't have anybody in particular n mind, just kept seeing a lot of the same names and not laughing. Laughter is subjective though, so I dunno.
Might as well all get back to measuring our genitals at this point.
Name names if you want, its the fucking internet. I'm talking in general.
I enjoyed coming to Toke&Talk because it was funny, not the same couple people talking to each other bout nothing.
The NSFW Pic thread? I've laughed my dick off many times there.
Most threads recently? It's like 6...
Tix are still available for GA. I think some RV shit too but I don't own an RV so I didn't really look much. Came out to 250 with fees. 11.50 to ship a few pieces of paper is fucking criminal but we all end up paying.
Night 2 is my birthday, so pumped. Last year I spent it here:
Anyone going to Magnaball? It's in my neck of the woods and would love to get on another level with some of my fellow RIU'ers. Plus Phish and raves are the only times I'll ever really dance uninhibited.
Maybe this has been already been discussed, but it's the first time I've seen it. It's a newish documentary on Netflix, made by the same guy that did "The Union" I think, at least the voice seems the same.
Really good doc though. It shows both sides pretty fairly on the legal cannabis debate...
I'm thinking about just heading out for the party. I'm planning on getting a jetski this summer and heading to Mexico in Sept and Japan in Nov so money won't allow that type of expense. I have a cousin that lives in Chi so I may hit him up for a place to stay that weekend. That and get a real...