Oh no he really killed his brother if you want proof ask me and
@Singlemalt (sorry to drag you into this single)
But we did some research into him I found many examples where he tried to scam people using his brother's death
He asked for money to put his step dad away from killing his brother mason
U know what his step dad "did"???
Left peanut m&ms out thats what finshaggy said
Yes left peanut m&ms out he then apparently told the detectives that it was his step dad and they just blew it off cuz it did look like an accident
So he's brother really did die but who made an 11 year old boy eat peanut m&ms
If he's allergic and at that age he'd know not to eat it so someone had to force it to him
Not hust cuz like with some folk
Theres a reason we fuck with him over it