My brain hurts every time I see tin foil mentioned. Because tin doesn't create hot spots, it's a mediocre IR reflector. Does alright with UV, but aluminum is better in pretty much every regard.
Cardboard, covered with aluminum foil would work just as well. :lol:
Have the cardboard between the reflector and the foil on the outside.
The most hilarious part is it probably does absolutely nothing for the ambient temperature. It'll just redirect the radiance elsewhere, right into the...
Reflective Mylar derives reflectivity from aluminum, and a very small amount of it deposited via a process termed metalization onto plastic(PET, or polyester).
Tin foil... a very unpopular foil used in the early 1900's, is hard to come by these days. Aluminum foil is better at protecting...
Tin is a white metal and an excellent visible light reflector.
You probably mean aluminum foil though, which is an excellent reflector of UV, visible, and IR radiance(it's pretty good with all other forms of radiance, too).
2700k induces flowering sooner, and mixed with 6500k promotes bushier & tighter growth. Solely 6500k encourages all growth, and your plants will not flower as quickly, but they'll be larger.
It's pretty well known bare aluminum has an IR emissivity coefficient of .02 to .04.
This site hurts my eyes...
Abandoning your own thread.... :clap:
Just gonna echo everyone else here. Pot eases my stomach, and has never upset my stomach. Even when eating a bunch of it. :mrgreen:
I'm just saying.... You could get around 20 people high off the amount smoked rather than make one high by oral ingestion.
An orally ingested serving is typically 2-3 grams of bud(quite a bit less if it's kief or hash), an eighth is barely over that. I could easily pack 20 single person bowls...
An 1/8th? That's possibly a single serving.
I'd wait til you have an ounce, and then use a couple sticks of butter, and make yourself some brownies or cookies.
It's not going to multiply without multiplying the energy input.
Higher wattage CFLs, that is over 100W, are lower in efficiency compared to even 13 watt bulbs to 100 watt bulbs. 200W CFLs are around 50 lm/W. A 13W CFL is 69 lm/W.
Knife hits. By far. Not very easy to pull off though(takes a competent 2nd person). Two people are suggested to do this. One burns & operates the knives, the other inhales.
Get a 2 liter bottle, cut it in half or so, shove the bottom into the top. Mark where you need to cut to just get an...