if youre using a MH light you can use that all the way through veg and you can put your light to 18/6, 20/4, 22/2 whenever you want to or just stay 24/0 until its time to switch to 12/12 for flowering. some people advise you veg at a 24/0 light cycle but its really up to you and you electric bill
1. paper towel works great and has a high success rate
2. i advise either fox farm or roots organic for soil cause soil is pretty forgiving and these both come with nutrients in them but know the fox farm ocean is very nutrient rich and kind of rough for seedlings and clones
3. cheap CFL's would...
attitude is a good online seed bank and if you order from feb.3rd- feb.6th you get three free seeds if you spent more than 30 pounds plus other freebies and they have pretty good stealth shipping too oh and if you use the promo code rollitup or 420 you get 10% off
If you need some go to a heavily populated area and look for people with back packs or play to peoples stereotypes if they look like a pot head theres probably a reason for that try asking them... but warning most pot heads you find that way will either be sketched out by a random approaching in...
i havent heard anything about roots having bugs but i use a combo of roots and fox farm ocean and have great results with all my plants but i did hear actually that some of fox farms soil had bug problems in 2011 but me personally my plants are fine so who knows oh and i pay $11 for FFOF and $13...
come on people even if you cant answer my question if they'll need special grow techniques at least let me know what youd like to have most. these are all some of what im ordering and was just looking for EVERYBODY'S opinion on your favorite of my choices. come on this should be way higher than...
mold is a possibility but since youre only leaving it in the wet bag for a few days it isnt really a problem just check it every couple of days and if you see mold get a new paper towel and new bag. but try not to touch the seed as much as possible once you have a root form cause your oils from...
yeah in denver the doctor i went to was connected to my dispensary and then connected to my grow store it was a one stop shop and if you didnt like the meds there you could always just walk half a block to one of the other dispensaries of the 300000000 in the town
when i germ i put my seeds in a paper towel and put it into a plastic bag and dump some water in the bag and into a metal tin with a lid and put it under my lights then after about 3-5 days i have a tap root
yeah people dont really seem to give out what their opinion is on the best advice for what to plant on here. i started two different threads all saying that im about to place an order with attitude just asking what people think the best ones are on the site for me to order and i only got like...
you should always have a fan blowing on your plant and making the leaves "flutter" no matter the space cause with this the fan blows on the plant and breaks down the cell walls in the stems and leaves and then they build it back up like working out your muscles causing them to be stronger and...
the only advice i could give is maybe get your lights closer cause with 150w that shouldnt get so hot that you need to keep it that far away and your cloning area you could definitely get those closer to the light cause t5 lights dont put out hardy any heat so they can almost be touching it