dude are u serious? fletch already posted this site, your just posting so you can get referrels....theres a thread exactly like this with the same website.
if hes late for 2 months keep his security deposit and kick his ass out, sue him for the months that it takes you to find a new tenant as he fuked ur contract.
cool set up man, but did you set up those ballasts by your self, like buy the parts seperatley and put them together? because if so i would like to know how to do it
hey, i harvested a hermie lowrider about 2 weeks ago and i still have its remains in a bag, if im luky i might beable to extract some pollen from it. my question is, is the pollen still potent and be able to polinate my currrent satori female i have right now?
the ghost looks like a old inidian to me. you sure your crib aint built on a indian burial ground? thats scary dude....i would move out asap.....and i think its true ghost do take souls because i was laying in bed one time and i heard footsteps comming up the stairs then all of a sudden i just...