sup, i have 5 plants about 2 weeks in now and i noticed that in the middle of the leaves that all of them are getting light yellow patches. i been feeding them full dose of flora grow 3 times a day. I think its because of nutrient burn but let me know what yah think. Also theres this white stuff...
dude. relocate everything!! i had an inspection at my apartment before and it was actually firemen from the firedepartment. luckily i had no plants at the time.
ditch the socket...thats a sorry ass socket if it can only take 40watts. if you make a sub box make sure u make it a little wider cuz 3ft x 11 inches looks weird. you can go 3ft x 15" and it would look normal. also carpet it so i looks like the real deal. have you thought of anything simplier...
lacy ur not alone. i got a mild case of people phobia to. Its only mild though and happens occasioinaly. But i have felt it to the intense ness you were describing. GL with gettin legal:mrgreen:
dude, sometimes i smoke bud, the whole world just turns into a sad place for me and i think about all the bad shit that happens and i get a feeling of how "real" life is. its horrible. i heard satori is a good straint to relieve dpression and anxiety.
u have no point, son. hes a good guy but he talks shit bout people for no reason? get off the dudes dick, stop fighting your boyfriends battles. both of you are fags, id fuk both you guys up. to bad your on the internet cuz thats the only place you pussies can talk shit.
eat a dick? ill fuk ur ass up son. if you talk shit dont start it off with a "ohhh paweeeze" cuz you sound like a fag. ohyee..saying "oh paweze" and talkin about dick in the same comment makes u look like a homo.
dude, if they say no to growing then dont do it. they wouldnt get in trouble as long as if you got caught you take the blame and say they had no idea you were growing. with 3 plants you wouldnt face jail time. if you claim you were growing to smoke and not distribute you would probably get...
your gonna get caught. buti f you do it grow like 2 plants and put them into to 12/12 early so they stay small. youll most likley get a ounce. when and i meant WHEN your parents find your trees. just tell them you were doing it for fun. you dont have a small cabinet or anything?