Look at it this way, with this guy, you'd be sucking clit.
And with her you'd be sucking dick.
Personally, if I find someone attractive, it's because of their overall physical characteristics. Not their genitals.
I'm thinking freak porn more instead of scientific research. Though that could be the hook:
Nurse- "Doctor the Wolf-Dick has escaped! We have to run!
Me-"He's already here. Awoooo!" as a cock that's more fur than man is unleashed on the unsuspecting masses.
I'd watch it.
I don't think I'd care as much if nature wasn't taking my upstairs hair, its just like wtf hair, be cool. Stop growing up my dick. He's had a rough enough life as it is between hockey, nutshots, drugs, and less than classy women, now he want's to grow a moptop?
So I've been in a bit of a dating slump last few months and basically just left my downstairs alone like an old recluse and the lawn in front of his cabin. I basically kept up a buzz like once a week for the last few years. I need the illusion of all the extra length I can get.
Went to tame the...
I bump this album full volume in my car all the time. I feel like I know most of the lyrics yet speak almost no French. Definitely not the manliest music ever but I love it.
And yeah, who hasn't jerked it trans-girls?
I thought it was primarily used for people suffering from other mental problems like opiate addiction or really bad PTSD. My albeit limited knowledge of this one leads me to wonder why anyone would want to try it without the concurrent problems its usually used to treat. YMMV though. I just hate...
There's always trying to set the world record for most times masturbated in 24 hours. I tapped out around 9 or so when my penis started coughing dust, but I bet you could do better.
Nope just an American student of history. I was in ROTC in college but dropped out shortly after the Iraq invasion. Couldn't countenance signing my name to what quite expectedly turned into the cluterfuck that it is now.
It's not necessarily negative propaganda you got, just seems to come more...
Oh yeah. One tried to start cutting his hair like me and liked to give unasked for backrubs. To this day I don't think he was gay, just a fucking weirdo.
Wow that link is bad. The Sunni mujhadein were led by Massoud and not Hekmatyar? You even quote Talib propaganda with the tank hangings! And killing Russians for raping boys in the country of bacha bazi (sp)? Priceless!
You apparently have the common American view of lumping all Islamist groups...
If you have HBO the'94 documentary "Skinheads USA" is amazing. I actually tried to find the cake from it but couldn't but it's got a swastika made of chocolate chips. My second picture is actually a still from said masterpiece.
Lol and yet 50 calibers are legal! But for 5 bucks a shell civilian price, fuck that. I just bought a .17 Savage because I hate paying a dollar a round on my 30.06.
Also didn't know MRAP's can allow a 50 cal to go through them. Why the fuck are they a few million dollars? And why the fuck are...
Even something like an MP-5 is over 20 grand. They basically priced out 99% of Americans and made full-auto illegal. Just sneakily.
Good thing plenty of our cops have mine resistant vehicles.
Incorrect. We armed Right-wing Islamist mujahid mostly under Gulbudin Hekmatyar as directed by the Pakistani ISI. Both arms and cash were cut off by 1991 while the Taliban (translates to students if you can believe that, but then again they were heavily reinforced by Pakistani madrassas) wasn't...