damn those horns hurt like hell las year my buddy cracked his skull on one goin in the well from a bull that did the same thing needless to say he wheres a crash helmet now haha cant keep him off em haha but damn that woulda been pretty sweet to win the go round with a killer ride too tho lol
fuck the daze after gettin tossed like that is some shit rite lol i remember that when i found the chute with my back but damn dude get those pics up fuckk ive been busy i need to update like crazy haha i fucked up fimming haha irony rite and clipped a biggert fan and one of the tops jus went...
man thier looking good well i got in to the cured jar this weekend and hahaha lets jus say i got some professional headies lol stoned in less than a bowl haha
damn luckkkyyy lol i keep sayin im gonna order a new bigger light but i can never remember when i got the cash for it haha hmmm sounds like some sort of side affect haha
well thanks guys yeah the only thing id add is a fan blowing rite on the bulbs, thats what the vent hose was hooked up to but that was changed a lil bit later those big ones put off the heat as for the bigger bulbs on bottom im kinda doin a test with that with using these as side lights and only...
rite on yeah i got it going but was having some heat issues so i pulled it for the time being itll be fixed before the plant gets really to the point to need the big lights its bout 2 or 3 inches tall on the forth node and fimmed already im gonna do a few control plants male or female jus trying...