itll do that for some reason ive had em smell like alfalfa hay haha but leave em curing for a month then try a bud youll be happy thats why i leave em in seperate jars and only open them once a day for a week then leave em in a drawer for a nite then back in the jars for a lil bit like a month man
this happend because first grows ur all exiceted the entire time then you smoke it and your like damn its good but eh ... in other words you got your hopes up but yeah grow different strains they are all different then you add in unstable phenos and youll never have the same weed you had before
damn dude that sucks hey thru u rite out the well huh at least it wasnt a concrete wall bro thats what made me quit .... but hell maybe theyll be fine they mite like tomatoes and be chill lol
yeah if you water jus until you get a few drops out the drain holes the you would prolly only have to water like every 4 days depending on heat tho as for the mg thats a micro nute if it causing the problem and fert for flowering would work to fix it it wouldnt hurt to feed it anyway
well man ive fortunately havent had to worry bout that but a buddy of mine swears mixing surjel for homemade preserves in a gallon jug of water drink that and like 8 cups of water and piss piss piss hes never failed to my knowledge but im sure theres other ways