those are the ones im sayin will fall off on its own those are okay to take if you flick em with your fingersthey fall of other wise jus trim im sure theyll make it if not try again youll pick it up eventually
man you gotta love stoner shit man , , , its always fun when you find some weed that you didnt kno you had its like the easter bunny is a cool guy haha
next time remember never trim of fan leaves they need em to grow jus slice the part thats damaged off if the whole leaf is unuseable to the plant it fall off on its own anyway...... and theres another problem the MG ferts are rreal finicky a drop too much and the plant reacts its really a...
man i cant get enough of the bud factorys in pong cups finnally put one in the case on 12 well see how it goes rite hahaha but yeah man great as always
every change in the light schedule will screw the plant up so stick with 12/12 for sure ,as for it beeing soak and wet and stinking thats root rot prolly caused by either over watering or bad drainage i would say water less often and make sure theres a holes in that container and they dont seal...
remember it dont screw up next time learn hey that sucked umm im good no more fat chicks and what not all the while be non racist in a hipocritical society riiiittteee .......:)
omfg dude thanks for the title were all sittin here and out of no where i jus say are thes balls all sarcastic like and laugh repedeatly for say 5 mins so hahaha ill have to go to the pics again but im sure they solved it for ya tho man peace
im on toms side i had the same thought why would a reputable company spend countless dollars on promotions and free samples and such to turn it over to the feds thats jus bad buisness if they did that we should be thinking more on the lines of thankyou for the sample what else can i buy
its wierd man its jus never enough for us haha i feel the same at harvest like something aint rite but thats what a hobby is you keep trying to do it the best
see u gotta learn that everythings not a disaster most likely its not as bad as you thought and tried to fix it and could end up killing it with kindness the plant really needs light water and freash air thats it the nutes and ferts are for us cus we wan em big plentiful and beautiful i mean...