Right on great info! +rep sir! And I truly am sorry about before. No hard feelings!
Oh and its crazy how fast they grow! Its been about 3 hours since I noticed the stem trying to pop out, well look at her now just a couple hrs later!!
Thank you I'm checking out that thread now. Seems people do say B'cuzz is a lil hot and to rinse the shit out of it. My local hydro shop only had this stuff so that what I'm working with. Should the water I rinse it wth be PH'd?
Right on what about the cal-mag plus and lucas formula?
The mix is what I'm not settled on. I hear a lot of people say good things about 100% coco and the same about 100% pelite. But the coco I'm gonna be using is B'cuzz brand and heard it hold a lot of salt or something like that. I was...
Here's a good question will PH'd distilled water bought from the store PH'd with solution stay at set PH from solution? And how long can I store the water and use it after its been PH'd without having to mess with it again?
I asked about nutes coco perlite mixes. May not of been direct but I did ask for advice and tips pics whatever several times. I apologize though. I don't want bad blood with anyone. I'm not saying that to get your help I mean it. I also have another thread I made just for asking questions and...
Ya did you actually read my journal? Pick one I asked a couple. Am I being unreasonable? I don't think so this what I'm talking about guys with expeience being douches. No offence but everyone doesn't start out knowing everything.
On a better note I went in an hour ago to mist the dome for the night and noticed a half bent seedling sticking its head out figure by morning she'll be all the way through the top. Tomorrow if she is throught the top I'm starting her on 20/4! I'm super stoked!! Here's a pic of what I found...
Jkahndb0 no advice for the guys who's grow journal this is? Not tring to be a dick but I get about 100 views a day. Kinda sucks when a lot of people come check it out see I'm asking questions and people are answering someone asking me questions. Just disapointing I've posted a lot on here mostly...
Bombbudburner. Yes I know this and I have tried I'm on a smart phone. When I search in the search bar it gives everything but what I'm looking for.
Just some advice though being mean to new growers is a good way to get people to go to other sites. I've seen plent of ?'s asked on this thread...
Here's a pic I found of G13 labs Auto AK Feminized on Attitudes website but not a whole lot of info on the strain. Anyways any info you got is welcomed thanx again and stay frosty!!
Got some Home Depot cards I forgot about......score! That's 2 more 42w 6500k's right there! Will be getting those soon to replace the 4-23w 2700k's. Next day or 2. I also added a reflector to the 68w 2700k bulb. Its up about a fott and a half it gives off a decent amount of heat but not enough...