Thanx! So you think my root is long enough to transplant still afte being able to see the root?
Here's another picture. Its amazing how I can tell how much she grows in just a couple hrs.
Well there hasn't been any stress I've put on her I know of. The box is light tight when its closed. I plan on growing mothers just wanna get my feet wet with this autoflower. From what I've heard you got to mess up pretty bad to screw up an Auto. Heres the pic of the lil root poking out the bottom.
Right on man good luck to you and thanx for stopping by!! I tried to click on your signature but it won't let me for some reaso
How far are you into your grow?
Ya that's what I origanly was thinking 75 perlite to 25 coco with only perlite in the bottom. I wasnt sure about the size cuz I know you don't wanna transpalnt autos. Does it take long for the roots of an auto to hit the res in a hempy of 3gals?
oh and I just checked the bottom of the cube there's a root sticking out!! My phones charging now when its done ill get a pic for you guys.
I can get the temps down but it would most likely involve me having to leave the box open a lil while the lights are on. To get her to germinate I sealed...
Right on so when it buds an auto still needs 12/12? Glad you said that I was under the assumption they satyed on the same light cycle the whole time. I would of screwed myself! That's another reason I ask questions cause I don't always understand what I read. I'm not stupid by any means but I...
Ya it what got me motivated to get it going. Jkahndb0 was nice enough to still help after my rant. There's good info here and good people just gotta look and sometimes look harder in my case. Thanx RIU!
Sweet I'm going to get one when I go buy 2 more 42w 6500k bulbs.
Should I start her 20/4 light cycle yet you think, I was gonna do it tonight at 5pm-9pm lights out. And when should I drop temps for vegging, when their to big for the dome? Temps when I checked her this morning were 85.4...
So this lil lady has her first set of leaves already and she hasn't been through the top of the rockwool for more then 15hrs! Is this normal for all cannabis to get firstset of leaves this fast or just autos?
Didn't know that thank you bro! I know ya don't care but I gave ya some anyways for being as cool as you are about this thanx bro!!!
Just woke up and lloks like she's got her first set of leaves already. Is this normal for all cannabis or just Autos? Super duper stoked now guys!!! Made sure...