Right on, someone said it would be good for the roots to use 1/2 a tspn per gal. What's. Your opinon on this? Did I ask you about humboldt countys own products with the lucs forumla yet? I just had some bong rips so sorry if I did.
Thanks bro! I'm trying, I know its early but I got a good feeling about this grow man!
I had to plant her deeper though. I was told that exsposed rockwool will get algie once you add nutes with the light and heat + humidity. So ya she wasn't set and I think shell be ok. May give her a lil...
The bags have paint mixing sticks with pennies taped to it taped to the bags at the botom and held in place with a bent nail at the bottom. Once I'm doing a dark cycle bags will be down and I may use something to line the botom of the box on the outside just to be sure.
So what do ya think?
I took her out and replanted her deeper. Before I did I took a quick peek at the bottom of the cube and there 2 more tiny roots starting to stick out! You were right about moving her dude. She was in there less then 12hrs. I got a good feeling about this grow. I know its early but still...
No I have them stapelled to the front to act as a curtain because my doors not exactly light tight. The garbge bags that is. When the bags are down you can't see them from inside. Just had to put them up once I painted my doors on the inside cuz the cardboard bowed a lil and a lot of light gets...
But whlie she's still so small I want to water the actual cube cuz the rrots are so small correct? I know not to water the base of the stem to help prevent stem rot. I even got the cube a lil higher then the medium in the pot. Had the box closed up all the way and the temps were 78.5 degrees at...
Well she's in her 3gal hempy! Maybe a week and her roots will hit the res! Super stoked! Heres a pic of her in her new home! And here's a pic of her lil root out the bottom....awww haha!
AWESOME! I can't tell you how greatful I am! Thank you! Here's a pic of her root from today. Do ya still think her roots will hit the res in a couple days? Oh and of that gal with just the molasses how much should I water each time? 1/4gal or half gal? Less then quarter gal? I'm sure its more...
Thanx.....AGAIN! I just put her into a 3 gal bucket 75% perlite & 25% coco. So she don't need the dome anymore right? And how much ater should I give her at this stage and when I do is it cool to leave that water in the res or should I try to tilt the bucket to get it out? I'm guessing I should...
Cool ya I've been reading since I've been home and watched about half the video jkahndb0 posted. I've seen that green guys videos before I believe. Very informative!
I know I should keep it simple but I really wanna try the Humboldt countys own additives with the lucas formula. I read were...
I was at the store and seen this on sale so I grabbed it. I've read a lil about people using it for flowering to help inhance natural flavors in the herb. Haven't read much though I been on the go all day!
Temps are still normal for the lady I'm about to go rince the coco and perlite so I...
Awesome info man! I hope other newbs are reading this journal! Starting to have some really helpful info! Thanks jkahndb0.
Here's a pic ofmy lady temps are staying between 71-77 degrees with the box a lil open and a box fan blowing air towards the box. Getting ready for her final pot. Here...
Ok so Temps are staying between 70-77 degrees. I decided to givethem 24 hrs of light for 2 weeks. I talked to someone who's grown this strain before and they said they did 24 all the way trough with CFL's and they did great. Also said she's a durable strain and above average yielder. After 2...
Thatnks for stopping by and the input. Is there any proof of what your saying though not trying to be a dick but proof is always good.
Ill be updating often as its my first grow and I'm pretty excited haha! But by all means if you find that info about Humboldt County's Own products being bad...
Ya I think the same way on the matter. Yes I don't know about them but I figured if their being produced in Cali. by people makng it for what were doing then it can't be too bad for my plants. Dude at m local hydro shop is very cool. We talked for a long timee and he told me usaully its another...