Flanders has been through a lot, and to be who he is is amazing. He has his own store, his children, a cool neighbor, isn't living in the worst state, and had his ghost wife permit him to see other women. What did you think of the video?
Makes sense. I believe it. Why the fuck not. Retired Air Force personal disclosed that the tech we have allows us (humans) to travel to different planets; we have visited every planet already and they are all capable of sustaining life.
There is one part where she looks into the camera and oozes with truth, her eyes both are alligned. She made sense. More than sense. You guys believe this shit?
I love growing!!!! All strains! Any strain! Set it and forget it! Grow it and cure it! Roll it and smoke it! I'm mixing The Original Haze daddy with 5 of my other ladies. CA 215!
I don't think they can take control of other patents either. It's like...playing the game Monopoly and let's say YOU own a couple of properties; St. James, Vermont... Now, let's say I land on a new property no one has bought yet, and I buy it. Now, I tell everyone, every time anyone lands on...
"huge law suit under the way but the fact is they are not breaking any laws or rules they figured out a market and now the guy with the 1000 a hour lawyers is going to win" this is disheartening!
Angelina Jolie wanted to patent DNA and blood with her company. I think huge rules were broken...
So think the patent that is "processing" will get passed? LOL! Look at how http://www.google.com/patents/US20120167284#classifications describes itself. That means other patents that http://www.google.com/patents/US20120167284#classifications describes HAVE to give up their patents?! That is...
It sounds like http://www.google.com/patents/US20120167284#classifications is infringing and stealing the ideas of
If it passes I have no faith in the people of this country who pass these patents. It's a...