• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Will this patent pass? Is this illegal?


Active Member
Patent US 20120167284 A1 (Application) VS US 7430765 B2 (Grant)
Is US 20120167284 A1 (http://www.google.com/patents/US20120167284#classifications)

infringing on

US 7430765 B2 (https://www.google.com/patents/US7430765)?

I am doing research for fun. Understanding Patents and how they work. Then I came across US 7430765 B2. This patent sounds like it is infringing on every patent that has a thin layer of protection in clothes. The baby patent is one, it has a thin layer to "protect" the baby from head injury. How can US 7430765 B2 patent pass if other patents that have already passes are already what US 7430765 B2 is describing?

Anyone is welcome to check this out. It's all about wording but I think it's fun and cool to do on my free time. I am new to this so I am doing my best to be fair when judging these things. It just doesn't seem right to me.


Well-Known Member
this is where the sheer dealing with a lawyer comes into play

any old one can be looked at and new materials used in making it there by altering the specs and all that defines it as a new product and a new app can be applied on it

say i make a beer that is extact same as bud...............now i add 2 cups extra hops per gallon i have a brand new drink taste like bud but is altered enough not to match a chemical test

if u really want to see something to get mad about Tesla has been dicked over the most..............all electrical motors are based off his design (drills rc cars ) and his family does not get crap from the rest of the world


Well-Known Member
if all was fair and right

the telsa name would be the riches ppl on the planet

and just to mess with yah while stoned
given the unverise is huge and billions of other ones out there as we are on the end of a arm we were one of the last solar systems to form .................in all the time that has passed all orginal thoughts have been thought about .................we are just coping some unknow person orginal thoughts all this time later ................but here is were free will comes into play once u have the thought what u do with it is what makes it yours


Well-Known Member
if u are looking to apply and all that for your own

good luck ..............someone will steal it alter it and price it lower on the market then the orginal .................and not a damn thing u can do about it the system is broken with so many holes and tricks unless u are a souless bastard willing to benifit on other ppls works and mistakes u can not get ahead

best to stay underground find that nitch and trade barter


Active Member
They really would screw Tesla like that? Tesla?! This sounds like "Hey, I am going to make a patent that says 'If anyone puts liquid in a container, if it has handles on it or not, and call it 'Liquid in a c-tainer.'" The cup already exists, I can't patent the idea of the cup. From studying patents, I can make a cup with 5 handles on it and a new design and it is mine, but to make a patent that already has patents made before it is infringement. I'm pretty young, 25, so I am not this talented patent attorney, I know. I have been watching youtube videos though and have been reading what makes a patent infringeable. I think I made a new word.

So the baby protection has a thin layer of protection. The other patent wants to patent all clothing with thin layers of protection in it or on it. How can that be? How can a patent get passed when there are already products like how it is describing? WHat happenes to those other patents? That's like, what happens to cups and everything like it if a patent was to pass in 2013 saying "Anything you put liquid into?" It can't. I think. Before I use this for my project I have to be sure I have a good arguement or else I get a bad grade.

What do you guys think? Too similiar or different. I think this is a perfect case to pick to figure out if the patent will pass or not.

if u really want to see something to get mad about Tesla has been dicked over the most..............all electrical motors are based off his design (drills rc cars ) and his family does not get crap from the rest of the world[/QUOTE]


Active Member
if u are looking to apply and all that for your own

good luck ..............someone will steal it alter it and price it lower on the market then the orginal .................and not a damn thing u can do about it the system is broken with so many holes and tricks unless u are a souless bastard willing to benifit on other ppls works and mistakes u can not get ahead

best to stay underground find that nitch and trade barter

True. I've thought about making a patent, for now I am just treating it like a weird ass hobby. ha.


Active Member

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
if u are looking to apply and all that for your own

good luck ..............someone will steal it alter it and price it lower on the market then the orginal .................and not a damn thing u can do about it the system is broken with so many holes and tricks unless u are a souless bastard willing to benifit on other ppls works and mistakes u can not get ahead

best to stay underground find that nitch and trade barter
Hold on there partner. Any company can make anything that is patent-pending but the moment it is patented they must stop if they do not they owe the owner of the patent X-amount for each copy made. Of course you are going to need an attorney to do that. Most patent attorneys like to take the cases involving their patents. If not then they get a reputation for making patents that are weak, a very bad thing for business.

If you only patent it in the USA then that is the only territory covered. The problem is of all the patents given to individuals only half of 1% can make it to market without being produced by the inventor. Then there is another 5% that make their invention and sell it to the company that will market it. The 94.5% of the rest the inventors never even tries to promote or sell it. The basic understanding is that after the first few phone calls and get ting the big NO every time crushes their spirit and they give up.

Inventing is not for the faint of heart. You invest you money and the most valuable of all your time. I know I've been there.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
It sounds like http://www.google.com/patents/US20120167284#classifications is infringing and stealing the ideas of



If it passes I have no faith in the people of this country who pass these patents. It's a complete farce if they allow a patent to over run patents that already are made the way this patent (http://www.google.com/patents/US20120167284#classifications) wants to. It sounds so illegal!
Right now the patent office is swamped. When the Senate and Congress passed the new patent rules they stacked the deck against the small guy that is for sure. They gave the hi-tech companies exactly what they wanted. Now even they are complaining that the law goes too far. The new law started March 15th and the week just previous to that had 800,000 patents filed in that week alone. Yup, that's right 800,000.


Active Member
Right now the patent office is swamped. When the Senate and Congress passed the new patent rules they stacked the deck against the small guy that is for sure. They gave the hi-tech companies exactly what they wanted. Now even they are complaining that the law goes too far. The new law started March 15th and the week just previous to that had 800,000 patents filed in that week alone. Yup, that's right 800,000.

So think the patent that is "processing" will get passed? LOL! Look at how http://www.google.com/patents/US20120167284#classifications describes itself. That means other patents that http://www.google.com/patents/US20120167284#classifications describes HAVE to give up their patents?! That is insane isn't it? lol it is so absurd to me this patenthttp://www.google.com/patents/US20120167284#classifications! That is why I had to get a second opinion on these before I write my report. I mean, don't you guys think it is a clear case of infringement? How the heck did it even get to the "processing" state?


Well-Known Member
i am old school from way back in the day (hack the planet)

any design any idea placed out in the open is free market they are having this now about internet tv ........some sites have capture networks set up in a few major cities and then stream that to the net ...........the person like u or me can access them for 7.99 /9.99 a month and watch live tv on the web ..................they orginal got the singal they paied for it like u and me but they offered it to other ppl and now they are bitching about retransmission fees .....................huge law suit under the way but the fact is they are not breaking any laws or rules they figured out a market and now the guy with the 1000 a hour lawyers is going to win

they just had a huge case in the courst about DNA the courts rulled that natural DNA can not be patented ......................several familys out there have a genetic immuty to aids amount other things too ........................ppl like u and me and ones at school can now look at this dna and figure out how to use it to stop this stuff ...........they have known about the bloodlines since the 80s .........at one time 22% of the human DNA varibles out there were patented and other ppl not allowed to look at (work with)

bill gates had to break up his comipany he made becuase he sold a product that ppl liked more then the other ones and this is not allowed for one person to have that much controll on the market..............he did everything right made something that ppl wanted and they took power away from him

as for telsa is u look into it he sold the rights to get funding on several free engery projects that the goverment partly funded then classified it to this day u still can not get access to several of his designs ..............70 80 years the patents should of exped and we can look but the tech is still locked down

it is really simpled play it loose and dirty like they do ..................if u made the coating with a chemical A u got the idea and improved the water restince anti virus something for doctors masks with chemical B and D

this is a new and can be applied for and while it is being ok u can make and sell (just like leatherman tools the little pocket knife with pylers/wire cutters and a few other things ................they copied and made cheapo ones by changing the tools and the order they are in there )


Well-Known Member
That is it Drugs

look at the number of drugs on the market ...............name brand and off brands..........then u have gentics

they spend a few million dollars to find a chemical that reacts in the system and does something they want ..............as soon as they have it they go and lock it in so no one else can make it for a period of time .................they run off billions of pills and make 100 times back what costs ran to find/ make

we have the FDA they are to keep us safe and look at the drugs.................have u seen the number of recalls /class action law suits for some drug they called a mircle drug and then the side effects cripple....kill u


the top ten active cases for class action suits against drug ppl


Active Member
"huge law suit under the way but the fact is they are not breaking any laws or rules they figured out a market and now the guy with the 1000 a hour lawyers is going to win" this is disheartening!

Angelina Jolie wanted to patent DNA and blood with her company. I think huge rules were broken. Plus, public domain is another thing! Say on Patent US 20120167284 A1 you have any clothes that has "protective thin" layers in it...movies have shown people wearing clothes with padding in it, eg. Waterworld. The Matrix is another one I just thought of right now. Also, suits with shoulder pads...that is what patent US 20120167284 A1 is trying to patent. So that makes no sense to me, that this US 20120167284 A1 would even be considered "processing." I thought I had an idea on what the patent process was like. This patent seems too general. It seems too "obvious" which makes something not patentable. It is way too obvious. The baby protection is a thin layer inside clothes...so that already is infringing on that patent...and to say ANY form of clothing (that is what the patent is saying) is just wrong because already there are patents, specific patents, granted based on what this new patent is trying to patent on. That's like me trying to patent anyone using a "drink Method" that requires anyone who drinks, doesn't matter from what, to pay a charge for doing what "their" "patent" says. It is ridiculous.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
So think the patent that is "processing" will get passed? LOL! Look at how http://www.google.com/patents/US20120167284#classifications describes itself. That means other patents that http://www.google.com/patents/US20120167284#classifications describes HAVE to give up their patents?! That is insane isn't it? lol it is so absurd to me this patenthttp://www.google.com/patents/US20120167284#classifications! That is why I had to get a second opinion on these before I write my report. I mean, don't you guys think it is a clear case of infringement? How the heck did it even get to the "processing" state?
I'm not going to read the patents. But I can tell you that they can not take control of the other patents. In some cases they may have to pay them something for their technology. I will say that infringement happens all the time. It is the inventor or assigns that have to be aware and when known they have to protect the patent or it will become unenforceable. I hold a first in class patent and anyone that builds on top of it will have to pay me... something.

In the DNA case the Lack families mother died of cancer and the doctor used her cells and didn't inform the family. Not only that he had the family members come in for
'check ups' and when he was done with his research he released their medical records to the public. Two members of the family are now sitting on a board that will determine who and how the cells will be used. I don't think they have seen a dime, but they have set a precedent that will hold water.

Tesla was incredible. It is said that he had figured out how to send power without lines. Something about being near a 'generator' or something. Not sure if that is folklore or real.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
this is a new and can be applied for and while it is being ok u can make and sell (just like leatherman tools the little pocket knife with pylers/wire cutters and a few other things ................they copied and made cheapo ones by changing the tools and the order they are in there )
That patent was obviously written poorly. The lawyer or the inventor didn't include words similar to 'in any order'. You must have a top shelf lawyer or you are toast.


Active Member
I don't think they can take control of other patents either. It's like...playing the game Monopoly and let's say YOU own a couple of properties; St. James, Vermont... Now, let's say I land on a new property no one has bought yet, and I buy it. Now, I tell everyone, every time anyone lands on any property, they have to pay me. It wouldn't be fair! If the person tried to argue their case it would be absurd! I feel confident that my paper will get a good grade knowing that I am not completely thinking of something so faretched as to say that one patent is easily recongizable as "too obvious" and infringing on other patents. Sweet, I got some feed back from others. I didn't want to just think about it on my own and not be able to see if other people would be able to agree or disagree with me. If I get a bad grade, I will know. I am pretty sure though I won't.

" I hold a first in class patent and anyone that builds on top of it will have to pay me..." I think so. If the build on top of your product is "obvious" then you have a case for sure. If it is able to be argued the opposite and there is strong evidence of that and you are able to reconginze it in advance, you might not. I am just using my common sense and bit of research about patents, yet, I somehow feel right.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I can't believe your timing! Get your hands on today's Wallstreet Journal they lead article is about patents in the Small Business section. Not really sure that it can help you but maybe...


Active Member
Really? Ok. I looked it up, all I keep seeing is Government shutdown. Have a direct link? Thanks by the way.