What else are you feeding? There are nutrients that will spike or drop your ph with ease. For instance, I use Dyna Gro Protekt....that right there is a ph up on its own. It will provide silicate and raise the shit out of your ph. Hygrozyme does the opposite, it will lower ph.....maybe one of...
Unscrew the screw on the sides right below the screen. Take the top off (should weigh 50-70lbs so get help). On projection screen tvs, the whole top is hollow already. The bottom half holds the meat and potatoes its the heavy part. I know because i did it to my buddys tv when he bought his new...
This is what I do. I grab a blade and pull ever so slightly, if it pops off it is done, if it doesnt I leave it til it falls off. Whats the rush if its going to fall off anyway? Let the plant suck it dry.
I just used clonex on 3 clones and this powder i bought at home depot for 3 to compare for my self. I ran a set of 4 clones all powder the first time around and they all rooted in 8-10 days. This time around, my 5 dollar rooting powder from home depot rooted all three that i put it on. The 44...
Alright! I get to quote the cannabis bible again! I love having this digital copy on my phone! This thing is really coming in handy! I still pull some leaves off occasionally but i try and refrain from doing so.
My can fan resonates at the right frequency so when im next to the tent i dont hear much....when i go downstairs it sounds like i have something vibrating upstairs....Im going to the depot tomorrow and building a box, expanding foam into the box and removing it from the tent.....currently i have...
The plant has a genetically Predetermined "maximum" amount of bud it can produce, its said that certain strains will divide equal amounts to the topped region in the amount of what the top cola would have held.. I say this because some strains wont reach that maximun amount without being topped...