Was smoking some white widow the other night, the stone was so frickin intense! The first few min were fine and then BAM hits you like a train in the face. It was a bit much tbh lol
Im more of a hazy "up" guy myself, ill think twice before i play with any phat trains again lol
Lol, im forever pulling out my weed with change in the store, i once had a half ounce of hash fall on the clerks desk while pulling out change. Lol, just the look they give you is hilarious.
I dont see why it would not benefit the plants, introducing a broader spectrum of light might do them wonders. I think there is a few threads on the matter around on here somewhere, iv stumbled apon them once or twice.
Top O the mornin lads and lassies, diddley iddle diddle doo!
Not a very top morning over here in sunny ireland, pissing rain as per usual lol.
Do i care? No...Why? Because i wake n bake like a fiend!
Personaly i would wait till the roots fill out in that pot before transplanting, you dont want to shock the babys to much. Another 2-3 weeks and the roots should be better developed.
p.s they are looking good : )