You cant go wrong with some daft punk, proberly one of the best live shows ive ever seen and ive been to a good few concerts/festivals/raves. There light show blows me away, i have there live set on my ipod and bang the shit out of it on a regular basis! The prodigy are up there aswell, there...
That is a bit on the nutty side lol, i seen some nutter beating the shit out of his jacket with a passion at one of the gods kitchens. Was a class act lol.
you do get some crazy fuckers at gigs but you have to take it all with a pinch of salt, or nose candy. Which ever suits :)
A bit to trancey for my liking but still good, ive seen him on a few occations.
If you into any "rave" music you should go and see the prodigy, absalotely fuckin rocking show.
Used to go to a lot of godskitchens when i was 18-19. They used to hold 2 a year in the point depot in dublin, sweat dripping of the roof raves! Everyone in the place would be prober mankey on pills lol The place used to hold aabout 8000 heads. Ill see if i can get a few pic's off the net and...
Thats a bit on the shittie side kodank, ive seen plenty of people on this forum with the bouncing titties avatar.
Personly im all for bouncing titties, more titties would make the world a better place.