Already got tha permanent effects, i havnt eatn them n a longggg time, tomorow night and this weekend will most likely be my last. ima post tha pills i get on here tonite to c what i can find out about em, most likely b ten diff types of pills
I dont know if its a fact but from my experiences it does. I used to roll for sometimes a week at a time about a year ago and i did it for about a year strait. Would just stay awake for days on days rolling goin crazy. crash for like 2 days them wake up wit 2 pills. used to be insane. but my...
I saw on the show tonight how Fort Collins Proposition 300 was passed a was like wtf!!!! But I just realized this show is being shown everywhere, people who see this show weither where they stand on this issue of dispensaries is gonna see how this really effects medical patients first hand. I...
Tomorow morning ima go out on my journey to pick a couple grow spots. i need some experts advice on what to look for. I've grown b4 i jus want this one to be as best as possible. I can take pics of my grow spot and plan on starting a thread on the soil in my grow spots to find out what i can do...
lol couldnt find a diffrent way to put a title up. neways i have a sciatic nerve in my left leg that causes me pretty severe pain as long as im awake. the only time it dosent hurt is when im sitting or laying down. im seriously considering moving to a medical state seeing how i dont have any...