You don't need to use 24/0 at all. I've never seen a substantial benefit from doing so. Maybe if you were really at the low-end of light intensity.
You can technically veg with 24/0 throughout. Marijuana doesn't require darkness. But you save quite a bit on electricity having a dark period.
I never said tin(element Sn) foil was good reflective surface(that's a blanket statement). I usually qualify and/or quantify my statements about materials. But yes, tin foil is also a good reflector of visible light.
Aluminum foil, clearly excellent at reflecting visible light...
So how many of these do you own?
1.7 million lumens @ 18,000 watts. You know you want one.
Yea, you let people go around posting nonsensical bullshit.
The experienced growers are clearly put off by this(I know I'm not the only one).
Get a fucking clue. Wake up.
Wow. Imagine that. You say someone is full of shit, when they're obviously full of shit, and the post vanishes. While the bullshit remains....
This site is a detriment to all horticulture.
You apparently live in Chicago. You do not have that right -legally.
*que Carlos saying dee-dee-dee*
Move to a place where it is your right, if that's all you care about.