Ok now i got 66.7sq, we were close
Sq ft equals 1,728in
34x58x50 equals 98,600in. Divided by 1,728 equals 57.06sq ft.
17 x 34 x 58 x .5 equals 16,762in. Divided by 1,728 equals 9.7sq ft.
9.7 + 57.06 equals 66.76 sq ft
Fuckin ay.....good luck!
If i could see the dimensions better i could tell you. Easiest way to do it is split the triangle from the cube and add the cubed feet together. Area for a triangle is 1/2xlxw
Ballasts put off alot of heat. I do not have first hand experience with that small of a lamp but if that was my decision to make, i would opt for the 250 with ballast outside the tent.
I had a 1000w and a 4ft 4bulb t5 fixture in my tent along with my 6" fan and my temps were in the 90s. I...
I built my box with 1/2" plywood and lined it with with the pink insulating board 1" thick. Thats when I found out that the air being blown out was the maon noise maker. Brought me down to about 48-50 decibels though.
It could be the strain, genetics and where its from can trigger it to flower running less than 18 hrs of light. 12/12 is not golden some strains will flower at 8 hrs of dark
I guess some ppl have that time when you grow in your bedroom at your parents. Man i feel you, i get in there whenever I can but work and life in general get there attention first.
This is for better coverage and heat management. It may be worthless to you, but to him he may not need to grow 17 pounds at once....
Everybodies situation is different, and in his situation 2 250s would cover that entire area. I could have said 2 600s but then hows he going to deal with heat...
If you go with the matrix, you dont need timers for the lights, they have them built in. My display will blink the wattage your using, the programmed time and if the bulb is off on the lcd screen. 1000w, 12/12, OFF is how mine looks. I just got another yesterday fedex dropped off but dont have...