...I'm here requesting any grower using Sub's Supersoil to click this link----> http://forum.grasscity.com/organic-growing/982604-subcools-super-soil.html
...they're doggin' your mix Sub!
...you got a nanner! (little banana looking things in your bud?) aka, hermi, crossdresser,exc...no light leaks throughout the grow? ...any kind'a stress can bring on the hermis, especially if your growing fem seeds, IMO.
...the seeds need to be started in a mix that has little to no nutrience....use Promix, Sunshine mix, or Light Warrior...I like to use really small 1"x1" square cube trays for seeds/seedlings like this
...once your seeds are sprouted like the pic above, I like to transplant into a one gallon...
...here's a couple more threads you might find of intrest
...no problem bro...you can follow my hydro grows on Al B. Fuct's thread -> https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/399206-its-fuct-world-67.html
...yeah that seems to be the conclusion on the LED growing, too expensive and produces little product.... I think Al got pissed about the tap water debate. I believe most people that speak against it probably has never tried to grow with tap....my $.02, cause just as Al, it works fo' me! ;)...
...sounds like your using a soilless mix. Companies that sell similar soilless mixes typically add dolomite lime to the mix and let it sit for months to become active before they sell it.....did you add any lime, or anything to help control your pH?
edit- view promix -->...