...I hate to tell you guys, but the police do what the fuck they want.....what they bring up in court, "as evidence" is another story.....I'm just say'n......and if a cop ask if he can search and you say, "no"....that's a dead give away that your dirty! ...in fact, the only time I would tell a...
....the attitude is the middle man....they are not the ones who produced the seeds, they sell you the seeds that were produced by others......the attitude fucking ROCKS......every single seed I've ever ordered through the attitude has germinated.....maybe you need to look into a better...
...here's a couple strains I've found good for SoG.
Solution: While is is possible to display the contents of your computer screen on the TV, you may not be very happy with the overall picture quality and the text is not very readable.
If that is no concern, here's how to connect your computer to a Television set (we used an HP Tablet Vista...