Well here's to hoping you're wrong too...
Here's a picture to illustrate how small what we're looking at actually IS.
here is the preflower outlined in the previous image:
Alright dude I apologize for implying you were incorrect. I didn't really mean to do that at all.
I honestly respect your opinion quite a bit considering your experience, I really appreciate your help and I don't mean to seem ungrateful or anything.
Sorry for getting worked up.
I'll still...
What have I done to offend you? Is it wrong of me to have wishful thinking and be hopeful that my plant is female?
I'm not a hostile guy, I don't understand why you're jumping all over me.
The point of this thread is to hear the opinions of people who are more experienced than myself in this...
LOL well there's no clear indication of either sex right now, we'll see what it looks like in a day or two... That last picture I posted isn't my plant.
Keeping my fingers crossed :smile:
Here's a couple more pictures from today... Hasn't changed TOO much, but it certainly does NOT look like a crab claw or balls. I've attached a picture of a female in early preflowering and a male in early preflowering.. Tell me which one you think looks...
Keeping my fingers crossed :)
Here's a couple more pictures from today... Hasn't changed TOO much, but it certainly does NOT look like a crab claw or balls. I've attached a picture of a female in early preflowering and a male in early preflowering.. Tell me which one you think looks like mine...
No pistils yet this morning.. However the preflowers are certainly bigger. None of them look like balls or a small stem with a ball on the end OR a crab claw, they ALL look like little unopened calyx's.. Here's to hoping.
haha dude it's a pretty complicated process... I have an SLR professional camera.. If you take the lens off, flip it around and hold it to the camera in reverse, it acts as a magnifier.. I can get some serious closeups through my backwards lens..
Nah dude I'm not calling you a liar, I rolled my eyes at you getting upset for me asking about a different picture that turned out female.. that's all.
I appreciate your expertise mang, thanks for helping :)