.............. found my camera!!! my dog had took it into her crate with her..... =/ lol nuthins wrong with it tho... but she was hidin it on me. lol. soooo ill start takin pics now!!! =D
**** got a question for any1 in the NE coast of the US.. well. i guess the question goes to any1 that...
honestly.. mine finished in 8 weeks.... =/ think i harvested a little early. only about a week maybe? idk. seemed rady 2 me but a few ppl have said it coulda gone another week. u musta jsut got a pheno that takes a lil longer? wat r u using for lights? there are many other factors that determine...
heres the best pic i could find showing the cfls surrounding the plant. wish i had a better pic. =/ adn then a few pics to show just how bushy she really was!
thanks fr lettin me share the pics stoneyyy. =) this grow made me famous over in the CFL sub forums. hahahaha. seriously tho. i was...
if ur gonna try usign CFL's... just make sure u have enough! alotta ppl just stick a couple on top of the plant. and expect to get nice buds.... i had my plant surrounded with CFL's. i had about 5-7 CFL's on one plant. one on top. one on every side. adn a couple others on other areas.. the...
TGA Subcool Seeds - Double Purple Doja
Perhaps the holy grail of all purples, according to most purple connoisseurs this is the strain to use when breeding for purples. Created several years back, originally by TGA, the breeders Outlaw and Matthew Riot have
brought this strain back to...
yeaa im sure ill find it eventually. i do this often. hahaha. thanks for postin sumthin at least! hahaha. they look great! im really excited to see how they do for you! and yes the DPD is Subby's old strain. then he gave it to outlaw... cuz he didnt like it. and outlaw grew it out and bred it so...
yeaa ive always wondered if the old strains are better/worse... but i feel like theyre not sellin them for a reason ya know? i kno alot of the old strains are still available at the nirvana website. theyre jsut diff names.... i believe the nirvana special is now royal flush.. or sumthin like...
i really cant find the camera... and ur right my seat cushion usually east everything up! but i checked there and no camera!! found a nice sized bud tho. in a bag. think it may be the NL or bubblicious. ill smoke it and try 2 find out. hahah =/ im very upset tho! gonna have my gf bring hers...
will be doin it soon.... once i can find the fucking camera!!!!!!!! bullshitttt! lol. stoner move for sure! used the camera.. and now i cant fuckin find it! =/
ughhh... this threads been dead lately. =( but anywayzzzz. gonna be doin an update soon. gotta run a couple errands. =/ then ill be bak with an update!
Originally Posted by Don Gin and Ton
Duuuuuuuude, i never had you down for the type to call it og n be pushing shwag: just pullin ya leg buddy
hahah actually it is cherry cheese x livers as there's no male livers bro. but NL x CC sounds just dandy to me lol.
i think its actually ladies first as well.. i remember siin this conversation happening over at highlanders thread.. don and HC were talkin bot it. lol. lemme see if i can find that convo... but i always thought it was ladies 1st
and also... i think once ppl see u growing them. and how colorful everything is..... theyre gonna want sum. lol ive got 3 ppl already askin me for sum jsut from checkin out my grow... and im sure yours are gonna look alot better than mine. hahaha
aiiight. =) lol. thats funny tho wen u started off sayin well.. since its mostly gonna be a seed run... i thought u were gonna say u were gonna flip them at like 2 weeks or 3 weeks..... lol. its just funny cuz i normally veg my plants for about 6 weeks or less for a normal grow. hahaha. glad ur...
yeaaa i just finished lookin up both strains as well. they both have great genetics. i kno stoneys growin a few too. his just sprouted actually a day or so ago. sooo i kno once i finally start it. im gonna be checkin out stoneys to compare phenos adn see what mine mite potentially look like...
the 2nd whiteberry pic looks awesome man. u take sum great pics. again. they should consider using ur auto NL pic as their default pic. u should seriously message them and send it ot them. cant hurt. i think it would be badass to have your plant.. a pic that YOU took be the default that every1...