and yeaa ived used weed portal before... when they FIRST opened that up.. the pics and movies were worth even MORE points.... but i think they decided they were losin money. sooo they stopped. hahahaha. might send them sum pics.. i wouldnt mind only payin shipping. =D
yeaa id deff recommended them.... ive ordered from them quite a few times. if using a credit card it doesnt show up on ur statement as nirvana or weed seeds or anything that sounds like that.. dont wanna just put it out there just in case... but it comes up as sumthin completely diff.
thats awesome!! yeaaa i love wen i smoke it with new ppl... and theyre just in AWE at how grea the bud is!! lol ppl are willng to pay 500 an ounce for it around here
yeaaa i am very happy.. not gonna lie.... wen i was lookin at her.. i was like ehh... =/ wasnt too much frost at all. and looked...
thats a pretty nice view. looks like green mountain tops coveres in frost.... with giant leaves growing out of the side of the mountains of course.... lol
yep yep. pretty sure its black rose x sour boggle/sour bubble. =) sounds amazingggg. and im thinkin it might be 2 seperate romulan plants... seeds from each one. thtas just my guess. i was wondering the same thing wen i saw my package. hahaha
it sure grows like 1.. but llike i said i havent really got a chance to smoke a well-harvested.. un-seeded bud. soooo its hard for me 2 say. =/ but i would deff try it!
yeaa havent strated any of those yet.... but i remember how potent the sensi star was... very stron KNOCKOUT type smoke.. soo thought it would be nice to cross it with a good daytime smoke with sum color
yeaa i would deff start sum DPD if u have them. whered ya get those seeds?? and yeaa ive seen a couple DPD grows... and they look VERY similar to the pics i posted above. i have sum gorilla grapes too.. which are DPD x purple erkle
yup yup. and made a couple other crosses.. floja x ak-48..... floja x sensi star... and floja x warlock. =) have sum1 startin an ak x floja. seeds just cracked.
u can check out my journal too is u wnna see the one i got flwoering now. got 1 in veg too.
i had a spider mite problem. thats why the leaves look the way they do.. that was from my old grow.. the hairs are turning becuase i pollinated her to make seeds. i have more pics of my other 1 in...
Yeaaa. wenever ppl smoke stuff ive grown... they ALL always say its wayyyy better thaqn anything they buy... does that happen to every1 else? no matter wat it is... they always say its sum of the best stuff theyve smoked... i kno we have good bud round here. i dont mind tho. =D lol. i enjoy...
Yeaaaaa.... deff learned my lesson!! hahahaha. awww mannn.. im glad i only took a few hits... rather than smoke 1/2 the thing... i woulda had to leave work... i was prayin i didnt get asked too many questions. hahaha. cuz it was pretty obvious i was high as fuck. im curious as to how the sativa...