wow. i thought the BSB would be one ut top 3 list for sure! lol. gonna start the 2 DOG seeds now. =) and the Lemon Qleaner x CB. along with the Qrazy Quakes i have germin adn then a few black rose seeds. adn that'll b my new lineup for now. adn ill move all my veggin plant outside and see wat...
Yeaa I'm good man. =) and ill check the last. Seed after work. Can't w8 to get them going. Gonna start a couple dog kush seeds. And a few lemon qleaner x caseybands as well and move most of my plants in my veg box outside sumwhere. Might start a couple black rose seeds as well. =)
thats an insane list CMT!! probably the biggest list of seeds ive ever seen any1 have!! youve got a LOT of keepers in there man. love all the TGA strains... damn.. fuckin amazinggg!
damnnn... well the bastard bubba sativa is deff packin on the weight.... a lil TOO much weight... came home 2day and she was bent all the way over... i usually like wen girls bend over for me.. but i was a lil upset about this 1. trying to tie her bak up str8 now... thatnk god the Gorilla Grape...
sharksbreath looks like mine did. =) gets sum BIG ass colas man. she was a great yielder!! jsut didnt like the taste too much. but the yield was well worth it! hahaha
not much for me. the 1st one i grew which turned out to be green. had a purple tint all thru veg..... and then wen it flwoered... no purple...? =/ and then the one im growing now shows no signs of purple in there at all. and it turns purple once it hits flower. n1k might have a better input...
Holy fuck man...... lol. wow..... thats insane!! those plants must consume a lot of ur time man!! thats awesome tho! i would love to be able to ju7st grow and and and grow... =( one day.. wen i have enough room. and damnn that lush sounds.... lucious. lol. curious to see the different phenos...
Yeaaa soo do i. have 4 in the house all 2gether. 1 stays in my room. one stays in another room. and the other 2 roam the house. but 1 goes outside all the time (buddy.. the orange cat that looks just loike hc's new kitty) then the other cat stays inside. well me make her. (hunter. the gray...
Heyy. just an update on the cq x qt seeds... all 3 sank 2 the bottom already. (in under 12 hours!) always a good sign.... also. does any1 know wen flowering generally starts on the east coast of MA. Im still tryna figure out if i should throw those plants outside or not. most of them are 8...
wow. shes a beauty man. its wierd.... cuz wen i 1st put her into flowering... the leaves starting comin out almost black!? and then it just all faded away. if u look at earlier pics.. u can see a lavender purple tint all around the buds. but now it faded away. maybe ue to the warmer temps?
hahahaha. yeaaaa thats my pussy alright. =) funny. he literally IS a gaurd cat. hahaha. hes only allowed in my room. cuz he doesnt like any1 else except me.... hes "ok" with my GF.. but any other ppl or animals.... he fucks shit up. hahahaha
yeaa thats one hell of a plant! gonan be a fun time trimmin all the buds! hahaha. and yeaaa thats a real good idea to have sum side lighting. if u diodnt all the smaller branches would end up jus tpushin out lil popcorn buds... and that would be a BITCH to trim! hahaha. looks very good tho man...
i grew nirvanas super skunk as well. and liked it alot. was kind of a darker green tho compared to most other strains ive grown. but deff a heavy hitter. deff on the stinkier side. (ppl could always tell wen i was carrying sum with me) i didnt like the taste too much... but the high was well...