yeaa i also use the paper towel method have good results. if ya toss them in a plastic bag make sure its not closed all the way tho. cuz it does need sum air. (sure u knew that but figured id say it just in case) ive seen alot of more experienced growers seem to take the seeds... drop them in a...
they have!? thats awesome man. ur the 1st.. well... the only person to have the F2's and the 1st to have them srout.. as i havent started any yet. cant wait to watch them grow up! i kno theyll do great under ur setup! hopin u get a purple pheno!
seriously!!?? NEW EPISODES!!! thats watsup! its about friggin time! lol.. wow.. i wonder wat its gonna sound like... im sure the voices have changed a lil bit in the past howeva many years ive always loved beavis! hahahaha. especially wen i was younger. im still a youngin now but wen i was real...
yeaaa i was actually gonna say if u dont lollipop just keep it around to make hash/oil. sumtimes its almost worth keepin them smaller buds for that very reason. =) and no problem man. ill deff be stoppin by here alot. especially wen it gets further into flowering!! i cant wait to see how much...
a "hermie seed" will make a hermie plant most of the time.. since there was no real male plant.. u rarely get males form hermie seeds tho.. either females or more hermies. it can be rewarding if the plant is stable enough and doesnt have a history or hermiing.. or howeva the fuck u spell that...
dude that thing looks like a fuckin small tree!!! cant wait to see it in 6 weeks! =D u gonna lollipop it at all? trim off the tiny buds? or u gonna just letem grow out?
agreed! i got a bsb x caseyband goin.... about 6-7 weeks veggin right now. just topped her a few days ago and attemptin to clone the top. hopin it turns out like that!!
** i cut off a branch from the gorilla grape.. and its dryin... this bud looks great man!! i am actually thinking i might start a few more of these seeds.. give this 1 the chance it deserves..... ill post pics either today or 2morrow. wenevr i do the update. =) but im very impressed with the...
yeaa i love that dready berry.. has a pretty cool name too! lol. looks great. and aviee.. look great as always man! Bio.. love the lil avatar in ur signature. lol. beavis... from beavis and butthead do america.... classic movie
mornin HC... damnnnn those BSB pics look amazing man..... wow.. i 4got how beautiful those buds were!! idk how! lol. the BSB cross took the toppin pretty nicely. hopin the top roots tho. the flojas look nice tho man... so far so good. =)
heyyy watsup mannn?? yeaaaaa it went as i planned.... fail! lol. showed up for weed... which i figured would happen... havent heard bak form them yet... sooo im guessin theyre not gonna take me... =/ oo well... still got my reg. job... just feel llike im not goin anywhere here... been here for...
yeaa if u do use hermie pollen... make sure to take extra care in protecting ur plant from light leaks...any training (lst/FIM/topping/super/monster cropping etc..) or anything that would stress the plant out... like sum1 else said... sum plants are jsut prone to hermie more than others... and...
glad u got ur floja seeds man. =) good luck with them!! ill let ya kno wen the new batch of seeds is ready and ill PM ya. =) everything looks great tho man. wish i had more room to have a bigger setup like this. right now im limited to a closet and a grow box... =/
Yeaaaaa i didnt get any PMs. must notta went thru. and wow im behind huh? lol. thought the bsb breedin project was still under way. hahaha. i thought maybe that was the mystery strain. yeaa i still have a few black rose seeds. id like to try growin them as well. just about every new strain im...
Heyyyy stoney.. just outta many seeds were in tHat package all 2gether?? jw. i didnt even count. lol. just went thru each pack i had and grabbed a few outta each. =) the only ones u didnt get were the dog kushes.. but thats cuz i only had 2.. and black rose.. cuz i only have like...
My birthdays only a couple days awayyyy! =D august 7th. glad ill b able 2 smoke again by then. =) just wish i had more 2 smoke.... lol. i still got that bastard bubba sativa bud dryin. soo ill have that. and i have a small lil bb indica bud left i think? lol. Im startin to think sumthin...
Yeaa im tryin the method of droppin seeds in water 1st. then movin them 2 paper towels as well. i always putem right in paper towels. but after siin how well HCs germ rates were. figured id give it a try as well. =) the 3 qrazy quake seeds r in the soil now. the dog seeds will be next. =)...
how is the BSB x BSB breedin project goin?? and sooo wat is the mystery cross!!?? lol. i give up! i know its gonna be sumthin bombb.. if its comin from you! wen is the BB gonna open up? i wanna see wat they got for sale. and wanna send a few ppl there. stoney will be growin out a BSB cross as...