Well i can generally shape them both somewhat i guess... But overall i have found that to get the full experience with both it's best to just let go and let the metaphysical world present itself as it see's fit. Im sure the fact that it was your first 2 trips it was a little nuts. For me the...
Well it was a mistake that you got lazy and didnt check on it lol... Because of this incident i bet you wont ever do that in the future...
Keep us posted for sure!
That was 100% your problem buddy.. K is very similar to D in the fact that you just have to let go... Rather then trying to control it, just put your ipod on, turn off your lights, rail some K, get under your blankets and just drift away...
Ive been curious about oral dose's of K as well...
Thanks for the info buddy. Very helpful!
I def was optimistically cautious for that exact reason... Now that i know all is well i wont fear falling to sleep after lol...
What was it like? Ive smoked D countless times now and have been interested in trying some ayahuasca but have been kind of nervous hearing how intense it is..
I honestly enjoy the previews. It reminds me of something very beautiful and familiar, like ive experienced it countless times. It's just so... Comfortable!
Plus i meditate a lot and have already started experiencing a lot of third eye stimulation, so much so that my meditations are...
I mean dont get me wrong one toke would be nice i am not going to lie lol. I have made the machine with an old whiskey bottle, i do agree that it is very efficient but i could taste the steel wool as i hit it. Lol the other thing is when i tried it i didnt have a torch lighter, i had a blow...
Man if you guys really like subway just join the club! Might as well.. It's really a stamp for most of us that chill primarily in the HS section, we all love subway haha..
Yeah id much rather have a sheet then a vial... Just for the fact that a sheet is easy to store, a vial pretty much just goes in the refrigerator which im not to comfortable with..
Yeah man that's Ridiculous!!!
Im sure those two wouldnt have been to happy if Frank and Bill would have drugged them and had a good time with his ass lol..
I know it supercharged mescaline so im sure it will supercharge both 2cb and L :D
I have a question... Maybe Puff or Tenner would be able to answer this..
After doing K i get the urge to fall asleep but get scared that i might not ever wake up lol. Is it safe to go to sleep soon after...
Yeah i def understand... Honestly if i had the money and it was the only good dose around i would def cop up on some as well... I just think it sucks that dose has come to this :(
Man how nice it would be if everything was so flooded that people where giving dose away like they used to..
Meh dont be to hard on yourself buddy. Growing is a learning curve, we have all made plenty of mistakes that we regret but in the end mistakes can be the greatest teacher.