Word that's awesome you got an understanding girl.. Im at the point in my life now where i couldnt date anyone that was in-tolerant with psychedelics. Like you, i just have way to much love and appreciation for them to listen to someone bash them on a constant..
Salvia and mild should not...
Yeah Kratom is legit! I broke my neck over a year ago and still sometimes have pains because of it.. I generally just bust out 8-10 grams an eat it... Eating it is def the hardest part lol..
This looks like an excellent film..
When you meet yourself from the parallel existence... Me personally, ive met my parallel existence in the mirror on dose several times. Quite an interesting character if i dont say so myself...
Wonder if this movie was inspired by the idea of quantum...
Yeah i hear ya bandit... Pressed tab's are wack these days. One of my buddies is a fiend for Mdma, not like he hella abuses it anymore. But it's by far his favorite psychedelic and he loves everything about it. Luckily he has one of those reagent tests so any pressed tabs i get always come...
These things have damn near made it across the entire globe. Seriously have flooded the U.S. with them, Apparently eurpope, and now india? Damn!
How much is Lsd in India if you dont mind me asking?
Ive heard that's very true... From what a lot of people say solutes are a lot easier to measure out then solids...
It sounds like your doing your research. Very smart. People over at Blue light and Shroomery could probably tell you the correct measurements to ensure you get perfect doses..
Rb it really depends on everything from purity to area...
Out here. 100mg goes for anywhere from 10-15$ Gram for anywhere from 80-120 Ounce anywhere from $800(if you have a SUPER connect) but is generally closer to $1400.. Have no idea what a h/p would go for lol.. Cant imagine ever seeing...
Damn Heatless that fucking sucks for your friend. Hella sad...
Seems like these blott's are going around EVERYWHERE!!! Wish someone come through my area haha.
I didnt notice. But that's legit man! Those root's are going to start going crazy haha.
I think that's a reasonable estimate.. Probably get over an Elbow on just the widow.. All those other ones should produce some hefty nugs as well!
I think it's just the fact that i used to eat a TON of e.. probably more then the majority of people that post here. Now i rarely eat it, 1-2 times a year with up to almost a 3 year break at one point..
Also had some friends try some at a festival. None of them could tell any difference either. RB maybe yours didnt add up to your expectations because you are used to pressed tabs that generally have a concoction of different chems with them. Im not really sure though. My guess would be if...
Maybe there is a huge difference for someone who eats Mdma on a very regular basis but with someone such as myself who only eats it 1-2 times a year i didnt notice any difference. Both are very laid back, so much so that i can fall asleep peaking on both, both grind my jaw, both make the eyes...
Yeah man it's really hit and miss on both sides these days. Pressed pills used to be hella good 5 years ago, now they are mostly just BZP and other MDMA analogs... Seems like once pressed tabs started to be 60% shit people turned to molly. Since that's happened people have taken molly and...