You're probably right... I was actually afraid that my roommates would knock on my door while I was under the spell of K... So I was anything but relaxed.
Perhaps I'll give it another go in a month or two...
I might try it orally at some point too. I don't like how it only lasts 45 minutes. Although if I got into a K hole, I probably would not want it to last any longer than that!
When I tried K it seriously had two parts and lasted like 4 hours or so. The first part was basically me laying down on my bed having an OBE (after I shot a couple hundred mgs IM, there's a thread, don't remember dose) and I flew around and saw everyone in my family and everyone who will be in my family in the future. I flew around and saw a whole bunch of shit I don't remember, but was so insane. I layed there for like 30minutes just seeing so much shit, and then my friend kept on calling me, so eventually that disturbed me, I answered and he picked me up. (right before he picked me up I did some Methylone, which may have prolonged and intensified the trip). What I really think prolonged and intensified it was all the weed I was smoking. After I took a few good rips, I started having stark realizations about reality that were literally shocking me at the deepest depths of my soul. I kept on realizing things that if you realized literally ONE of them on a psychedelic it would be considered a MIND-EXPANDING trip. They were so deep. I should have had a notepad and written them down, as a lot of them were lost to me. I noticed as I was smoking weed, it allowed deep introspection, and the deeper I went in my mind, the harder the hallucinations were getting (this was
at least 90 minutes to 120 minutes after the IM shot)
I noticed if I stopped thinking and became pessimistic everything would return to normal and I would stop hallucinating completely. Then I would force myself to get in a meditative state with my eyes open via the deep introspection again. All of a sudden the outside would bend, like it looked like there were HILLS, (Florida's ground is flat as fuck) and the hills would go up and down in a steep slope over and over, and it looked so REALISTIC. The trees were on the hills, and everyting started becoming digital. I ENTERED A DIGITAL REALITY. Everything became blocks, you couldn't see individual leaves anymore, it was like a digital tree with blocks of leaves, thunder was blasting outside, and I was tripping so hard. I then went home maybe an hour or a little less after that and layed on my bed and watched a small light source (such as that small smoke detector light, or a little stereo light) These ALWAYS induce OBES or visual journeys if you are well versed in knowing how to stare at them in the correct way.)
I literally hallucinated over 100 different hallucinatory scenes using this technique. It would make my eyes cross (this is what is supposed to happen) and then a scene would usually unfold that had something to do with a source of light. Sometimes it would become a basketball and float around the room, sometimes I would become a flat glass screen completely across my room, and I could see myself as the screen just chilling there, with reflective properties and all. These are just a SAMPLE of what I saw, you couldn't imagine, nor can my mind barely comprehend it at all..
I felt like writing a mini trip report of my experience FINALLY

(Have to get in the mood)
Also, I have GREAT news. I will be getting 3g of Methoxetamine tomorrow or the next day, and I will be getting 1g or so of Ketamex (a brand of Ketamine, it is supposed to be one of the BEST, I was told the Ketamine is in the top 3 the guy has sampled in his 12 years of doing Ketamine, I know he isn't bullshitting) I know people that sampled it, and all of them said it was the BEST, most crystally shit they've ever seen. I am EXCITED.
I will be doing a couple Ket + MXE combos to test the waters on this, and perhaps 1 or 2 DXM + ket combos. Not sure if I wanna venture into MXE + DXM realm, it just doesn't seem right.. It seems sound pharmacologically, but you never know as MXE is not very well researched, which is why I would be very wary of attempting this combo, even though there are a few reports of this, and I can't recall anything too bad, but I don't think I really read them. Just doesn't seem like the best idea is all. I will be having fun enough
I heard Ket + MXE really helps soften the MXE and make it much much more visual and makes it easier to hole. (It was found that the M-hole is very hard to reach if you have a very high NMDA antagonist tolerance, so adding Ket to the mix makes it much easier apparently) Also, the experience was given a huge thumbs up and I am stoked to try it! Hopefully some crazy shit happens

I won't go too far though, I am trying to be easier on my mind... I am going to be taking a good break soon, and I've been very light on anything I've been doing lately (mostly just weed and the occasional 2ce trip, etc) I think this will be one exception, as I love K. I wish I had 3g of Ket, and 1g of MXE, but oh well. (Ket is a lot better than MXE, but they're both amazing, so I can't complain)