any light leeks did you induce flowering by switching 12 /12 light cycle you may have been seeing what is most commonly mistakin as pre flowers thinkin this is what you saw mahe sure no light uninteruppted 12/12 good luck sativa takes longer to produce GL
damnnnnn... dats what im talkin bout LOOKing nice what kinda strain yall got there Doglet and jeb???? wow looking nice how much was da harvest??? keep the ladies coming time 2 Break Night !!!!!
do believe it sbecause you clones when cycle wa sin flowering reverting from flowering to veg now so new groth is still in flowering ohase fewer leaflets cause puttin energy into flowering thats why wierd growth or less leaflets ... don t hold me to it
:clap::clap::clap::clap:so thats what it is lets see your GROW wether it be from the smallest cup to a sea of GREEN a forest what ever TICKLES ya whistl. would lik eto know what you guys think i could get outta my gro ,, all females using 400 m/h going to 12 12 when my blackjack catches...
so i got some LADIES growin want 2 see YOURS dont be afraid to post all the pics.... got some small blackJACK trying to catch up want to SEE it all GUYS bare it ALL!!!!! can you believe ALL but BLackJAck were once in SOIL yesssiiirrr......
NO BALLS its NEW GROWTH though from pic can see why yall think that but TRUST fellow members it not a MALE have taken clone from this one and sucsessful females have been induced to flower so TRUST!!!
cool would appreciate pics of you own SUPERCROPPING thanks for the great help this is what the girls looked like befor!!!! what you think and also ALL THESE GIRLL transfererd from SOIL 2 H2o can yall believe it!!!!!!
fo SHO NO BASTERDS!!! here no no no??? all beautiful LADIES !!!believe it !!!wouldnt want to RUIN my crop!!!!! all sensimilla her BROTHERS and SISTERS!!!!!!!!!!
okay so guys some say YES!! some no !!! what am i aiming for AGAIN onemore time what does this induce!!!! NOT broke hopefully making STRONGER!!!! can anyone TELL if this right!!!
:wall::wall::wall:okay so check dis out dont know why i did this but thought this was right!!!!so i gently squeezed the branches till i felt a sslight crush and the plaNT BenT at that point is it suppose to do that not sure why i thought that was GOOD thought it was like super croping or...
nah no bubbler got misters spraying the roots while roots in air and some root submerged no these are all from seed been doing great first real hydro set up and all these were transferred from soil if you can ibelieve it and they are doing great...wat you GUYS think/////