get da fhell outta here NOOB are you serious why drop some thing like that instead of try ing to help a nigga out instead of belittling other people thanxs for you input dirtfree thanks real talk if any one can help me i would appreciate it not sure if it van be nute burn only on 1/2 streanght...
are you guys serious need some detailed help yea i transplanted from soil to h20 i let you guys know that what can i do is it going to subside and what is it for real any true growers rthat can diagnose??????? please?????
well i really was using ferts and to be quite honest it was eating it up they were really hungry for when i switched used a lil less just to prevent that exact problem what else you think that it could be
here are some pics hope some one can finally put my troublesome questions to rest tired of seekin no answers any response will help here you guys go thanks for the feed back
okay so here we go one more TIME?????
bout two weeks ago transplanted my plants from soil to hydroponic and i did every thing by the booh rinsed off wen great very lil shock bout the last week my plants have started to show some kind of curling down as well as burnned tips is what they look...
so i transferred my plants to a hydroponic garden fr soil did every thing by the book and i think that i did every thing right i know that they were kinda big to do that too but i took the chance rinsed out all the dirt fr the roots and put in clay pellets been keeping an eye on my resivoir and...
yeah first of all transfered it properly and washed all the root very well and re did my resivoir a couple of times so that i could get all the ugly stuff out and replace it and kept a good eye no dirt in any of the roots i assure you of that i am not that much of a newb.. they recovered...
i transfered my plant from soil to a hydroponic about a week and a half ago. this problem has been gradually going on. the leave look a lil yellow to browwn and i really dofnt under stand why the leaves also seem to be curlimg under the plant was real healthy in the dirt but got advise that a...